Want to find maps or images for your next project?
Start a search with Artstor. This database contains thousands of images, charts and maps with associated data just waiting for a researcher looking for ideas.
And Artstor has created a webinar to explain search techniques plus they have created a dozen targeted LibGuides. As in all databases, there is the option of basic or advanced searching, but the fun begins when the “Browse” function is chosen. Here the researcher will find several choices to explore in depth. By choosing the “Artstor Digital Library”, more limiters are provided: “Collections, Classification, Geography & Teaching Resources”. If “Groups” and then “Artstor Curated” is chosen, the researcher is rewarded with a long list of tags and the number of items available. Or a researcher could just page through the alphabetical list. One of the 1st choices is: “Adena and Mississippian (Eastern Woodlands). Great Serpent Mound. Ohio” 8 items appear and one is a map.
Just interested in searching for maps? Type “maps” into the advanced search and limit the Classification to “Maps, Charts and Graphs“. Presently, the researcher is rewarded with 7974 entries which can then be limited further by “Geography” and more. Or pick a location and then limit to maps. Try Egypt…
Searching can get interesting–Use the word “dog” in the advanced search and limit to Maps, Charts & Graphs. Two results appear: First, is a picture of surface patterns cut on wood with a “dog-tooth” design. Second is actually a map! It is part of a series of maps of Japan created in Inu {year of the dog}.
So, if you are in need of map for a project, it is certainly worth taking the time to wander through Artstor. You could find treasure…
***PLEASE NOTE: This database is for OSU faculty, staff, students, and users in library ONLY***