Dear Freshman Libby

Dear freshman Libby,

First thing I would like to say is good job! You’ve done a pretty good job or keeping yourself together this far! We’ve had a few bumps in the road, but nothing we couldn’t get through without the help of friends and family and eating your feelings. But there are some words of advice I would like to give you…

First, because this is hitting you hard right now, your life after college is not going to be as perfect as you planned. Remember how you thought you would get this amazing job for two years then go to your dream law school? That’s not working out quite as planned, but as you have learned from two amazing grad students that is okay. It is okay to have no idea what you are doing with your life (even though your parents are not too happy with that idea). Everything will fall into place.

Second, academics are really important. I know you want the friends you have made to think you are funny and cool and are like the greatest person they have ever met, but guess what?! They will care about you no matter if you go out that night or not. Focus on school. Your friends will always be there.

Third, do something outside your comfort zone. You have always played it safe because that is the easy way to do things. Raise your hard in class even if you only kind of know the answer, talk to that cute boy you see in class, apply for that job/internship you never think you will get, and always remember the quote from We Bought a Zoo:

You know, sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of just embarrassing bravery. All it takes is 20 seconds of insane courage and great things will happen.

Fourth, don’t take your quick four years here at Ohio State for granted. This place has so much to offer, so take advantage of it all. In 2012, 2016 seemed like a long time away, but here we are. We have done a lot of amazing things here at Ohio State and I am proud of the women we have become, freshman Libby. I can’t wait to see what the next four years have in store for us.

Here’s to 2020.


Senior Libby

8 Things I am Doing While Home for Winter Break

Check over grades

Before I completely check out for the semester, I will definitely log into my Buckeye Link or Ohio State Mobile App to make sure my official grades look alright. You should do the same! Double check them with what is in Carmen. If you think there is a mistake don’t hesitate to email your professors to clarify.

OSU Mobile App

File the FAFSA

Since the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is due Feb. 15, I will definitely take some time to fill it out over break! Complete the form for free through the FAFSA website. The application opens Jan. 1, so the last week of winter break is the perfect time to get it done. You will need information from your parents from last year so completing it while all together is ideal. I know I will be glad to have it done by the time February rolls around and I am swamped with spring semester midterms!


Apply for scholarships

There are so many scholarships out there and I definitely will take the time to fill out a few applications over break. Keep in mind that some of these applications require you to fill out the FAFSA, so make sure you do that as well! A few easy ones to apply for are the:

Pay fees for spring semester

Since the fee payment deadline is Monday, Jan. 4, I definitely will make sure I have all my fees paid on time so I don’t risk being dropped from my classes.

Review schedule for spring semester

I plan to go over my schedule to make sure everything looks good before the semester starts. I will check on any classes I was waitlisted for to see if I have been placed in the class or if I need to make any changes to my schedule. I want to make sure I start second semester off on the right foot!

Class Schedule

Purchase books for spring semester!

Since the books I need will likely be posted before break is over, I’ll check this over to make sure I have all the necessary books. You can find the books you need in your course syllabi (if your professors post them on Carmen before the semester starts) or on Buckeye Link. On Buckeye Link, click on “My Class Schedule” then select “Spring 2016 Semester” and then the “Buy Books” button is a blue hyperlink in the top right corner. This will take you directly to the Barnes and Noble website. I usually look at this list and then check out other book sources (such as used bookstores and Amazon) to find the cheapest place to purchase or rent those textbooks.

Doctor’s appointments!

Take advantage of this extended break to take care of any necessary doctor’s appointments. I know I personally have multiple appointments set up for over break so I don’t have to worry about them during the semester.

Doctors Appointment


We’ve worked hard this semester and deserve a break! I definitely plan on taking some time to enjoy some holiday movies by the fireplace!
