If You’re Reading This, It’s Not Too Late

Congrats, you’ve made it through most of fall semester. The question is, do you know how to prepare for spring semester?


My first semester was two years ago, so I would be lying if I said I remembered exactly how I spent it. I do, however, remember feeling both relieved and anxious and I can confirm this because it’s exactly how I felt during winter break last year. It feels good to know you’ve accomplished something and you are one step closer to your next goal, but it’s scary to realize you don’t know what the future will bring. It’s hard not to worry about your progress, or think about how satisfied you are with your current work ethic, your major or just your life in general. My first semester, I spent more time focused on classes and personal problems than I did taking care of myself, which led to me forming some unhealthy coping mechanisms and being unhappy overall. Not to mention, I was considering changing my major and felt so lost about what I wanted to do. It was a difficult time, but I survived it. There is a way, however, to alleviate that stress and that’s by taking time to think about what you want to prepare for next semester and setting goals so you can do things differently in the future. 

There are a lot of different ways to set goals. My personal favorite is writing all of them down as a gigantic map in my bullet journal (it’s really chaotic). There are also more structured ways, like S.M.A.R.T. goal setting. However you choose to create your goals, make sure your goals are specific and include specific steps on how to achieve that goal and measure your progress on achieving that goal. An example of a goal you could set is getting into your desired major by a certain date.

And so, here are my tips for the best way to prepare for spring semester: 

Remember that you are the boss of your own education. If you were unsatisfied with your classes for autumn semester and are reconsidering your major, don’t feel pressured to stay in classes you don’t want to be in. Use this break to do some research and explore other majors and schedule to meet with an Exploration advisor or consider career counseling. It’s normal to be unsure or lost about what you want to do but it’s important that you address it and make efforts to figure it out.  

Transform your health. If you ate a lot of crappy food and/or didn’t work out in autumn semester, use this break to change that. Drink lots of water and take advantage of home-cooked meals if you aren’t staying on campus. Likewise, try a new recipe if you are sticking around. Maybe learn how to do some yoga. Use this time to improve your health, mentally and physically. I don’t know anyone who hasn’t fallen victim to the “Freshman 15”, but believe me when I say it’s an exhausting way to live and not how you want to spend your first year of college.

Start a routine! Having a routine gives you small goals to accomplish throughout the day and you’ll feel better after each one. Over winter break, these goals don’t have to be “big”. For example, your routine could be getting out of bed by 11 a.m., eating breakfast, making your bed, working out and sleeping by 11 p.m. Creating and sticking to habits during the weeks you aren’t on campus will help you slide into routine when you get back on campus. It will help you manage your work without wasting time and give you time to take care of yourself.

Did you have a good support system in autumn semester? Winter break is the perfect time to reflect on the relationships you created over the last few months. It’s important that you have people on campus who support and uplift you. If the people you hang out with aren’t good influences and don’t encourage your growth, it might be time to distance yourself from them and seek better connections.

Get a planner, calendar, or journal and write down all important deadlines and exam dates at the start of the semester for each of your classes for the entire semester (based on your syllabi). This can include homework, readings, lab reports, essays, basically anything you could get assigned; you can do it during the first few weeks of classes and it will make you feel a lot more prepared later on.

You may have already realized this, but time goes by fast when you’re in college. You might feel exhausted after finals and find yourself wanting to not think about school for a few weeks, but pushing the thought away isn’t going to make the first day of classes come any later. When everything slows down, take time to do some self-reflection, I promise you’ll feel better when you do. Good luck!

Avoiding a Spring Semester Slump

It’s about that time in the semester (and mid-polar vortex) that you want to permanently apply sweatpants to your body and never leave your bed, right? WELL THAT’S JUST TOO DARN BAD! There are classes to attend, opportunities to explore and new friends to be made! You can’t spend spring semester snoozing away!

So now that you think that I am way too perky to handle, let’s get back to reality. It’s cold, life sucks and it’s hard to remember what motivation feels like. I know. The struggle of getting out of bed when it is -8° and feels like -10,000° is so real. But Buckeyes, you must persevere! Spring semester is simply Round 2 of your first year and so important for you to be fully engaged. Don’t lose your motivation to succeed and explore the amazing university that you call your home.

5 Easy Tips to Stay Motivated

1)      Set Small Goals

Imagine what you want to have accomplished by the end of your first year as a Buckeye. Is that making the Dean’s List, figuring out the right major for you or becoming involved in one organization? Going back to the cold, maybe that means not skipping those 8 a.m. classes all semester…14 weeks of 8 a.m.classes…

Once you’ve got that, break it down into smaller goals that you can achieve on your way to the big one! Maybe that means going to one prof’s office hours each week, emailing two clubs to find out more information or only letting yourself hit snooze once per morning. Celebrate the accomplishments of these small goals!

2)      Organize Your Time

Organization is key to being a successful Buckeye, so put some effort into organizing your schedule! Having that Dates & Data planner written out each week prevents those last-minute panics of forgetting assignments or missing that awesome OUAB event that you heard about. Perhaps you didn’t plan time to hang out with your new friends or workout and now you’re feeling some major blues.

Just think how many calories I could burn if I exercised as much as I pin!

Organizing your time into a healthy work-play balance will keep that stress level down and on-track for an awesome semester!

3)      Find Inspiration

Sometimes it may feel like you’re slogging through your week-to-week schedule, but remember the reasons why you came to Ohio State in the first place. Most people had multiple goals: obtain that college degree, branch out on your own, make new friends, the list goes on. Be sure to remember the inspiration that will carry you through this semester and remember the big picture! And hey, if you wanna do some daily affirmations in the mirror just make sure no one else is listening at the bathroom door.

Red Dot | Cat Meme

4)      Develop a Support Group

As Buckeyes, we’re all part of a BIG family. We crave social support to lead happy lives and our friends and family can be that support system! Forming study groups in your classes or recruiting that one friend on your floor to join you once a week at the RPAC spinning class will help give you that extra motivation to achieve your goals. Besides, doesn’t it feel good to know that someone actually cares when they ask you how you’re doing today?

5)      Believe in Yourself

Finally, believe in yourself! Buckeyes are all here for a reason. Someone believed that you could go to Ohio State and be successful. Maybe that was a parent, high school teacher or even one of our admissions officers. Take their confidence and instill it into your little Scarlet & Gray heart!

You CAN stay motivated and finish out your first year as a Buckeye to make it the best it can be. Believe that you alone have the power to take this experience to new heights – besides, everyone else can only dream about how great it is to be a Buckeye. You actually get to live it. Don’t hate us cuz we go to the Best Damn School in the Land.

Sorry not sorry.