Fellow Buckeyes!
I’m so excited to see you on campus during your first year at Ohio State; in fact, it’s only been a year since my own first year experience at Ohio State. When people ask me how to describe the way my freshman year went, I often struggle to come up with even one word – so many activities, so much memories – and often settle on “indescribable.”
This all changes today. My good friend Dylan MacDowell has challenged me to come up with 35 Adjectives to Describe My First Year at Ohio State, so in order to remain brief as a blog should, I will simply list some adjectives while fully describing others. Here I go!
1. Exciting – I know, pretty cliche of me to begin with this one here, but there really is no other word to describe it. Come move-in day, you’ll know what I mean. The nice thing is that we have OWLs to move your stuff in while you bask in your excitement!
2. Beautiful
3. Zealous – Come onto campus eager to learn! That’s what you’re here for…right?!
4. Creative
5. Homesick – I live about 20 minutes away, but even I would miss my family from time to time. Expect this, but don’t expect it to ruin your time here. Just make sure you give them a call every so often!
6. Rowdy
7. Active – As Rec Sports taught you during Orientation, it’s best to live your life in motion!
8. Social
9. Powerful
10. Gustatory – Experiment and try something new! There’s so many excellent restaurants around campus, and I’d love to hear from you about the next one. While you may not have an appetite like myself, you should definitely give Thurman’s Cafe in German village a try!
11. Elaborate
12. Beneficial
13. Icy – I might just be going out on a brink, here, but expect some winter weather to come our way in the next 6-12 months!
14. Nocturnal – You may or may not stay up a few nights past your home bedtime…
15. Confusing – We try to give as much information on freshman year as possible, but I guarantee you will still have questions coming in. FYE is a resource that you can always go to for information!
16. Smooth
17. Enthusiastic
18. Flexible – If you don’t see yourself as a great time manager now, just wait! You definitely will be soon enough. I often recall the good old college triangle in order to prioritize my time, but with practice, you’ll be able to bypass this triangle and achieve perfect college zen.
19. Daring
20. Bold – During your first year, you’re going to be doing things you never thought you would in high school. Coming to Ohio State will certainly give you these experiences. Being bold always pays off, though.
21. Enormous – While our campus might be big, your freshman year is going to devour any petty notion that you’ll never learn your way around Ohio State.
22. Generous – The free stuff, though…
23. Bubbly
24. Humbling
25. Nuts – As a Buckeye, expect yourself to go nuts (lol) at football games, free concerts, and other campus festivities with all of your new friends!
26. Natural
27. Inclusive – This might be my favorite word. Ohio State has around 55,000 students, and they’re all different from you. Being inclusive of others and their uniqueness will do you a lot of favors in the friends department.
28. Free-Spirited
29. Arcadian – There isn’t anything quite like campus on a beautiful day. Spend your serenity with friends on the Oval during the day, or perhaps at Browning Amphitheater come sunset.
30. Studious – Hit the books! Studying is no longer optional in college if you want that good grade.
31. Challenging
32. Raw – Just ask this guy:

Cody Nagel, 2014 OL
33. Laughable – I guarantee when second semester is here, you’ll look back on something that happened during your first semester of college and crack up about it with friends! Have humility and know when to laugh at yourself.
34. Independent
35. Tril – A mix of true and real, there is nothing more tril than being at Ohio State. If you’d like to join Club Tril, just walk on to the basketball team and do absolutely nothing.
This wraps up the First Things First blog post contributions from the 2014 Orientation Leaders; on behalf of all of us, I just want to say thank you for an amazing summer, and we can’t wait to see you on campus! GO BUCKS!