Let me start by saying we’re all united as Buckeyes. That said, for those of us from outside the borders of Ohio, there are some challenges that native Ohioans may not quite understand. But never fear, I have some solutions that you will make you feel right at home in no time!
Problem: You pay a higher tuition than anyone born and bred in Ohio. This is a downfall of going to a school in a different state, but we got to do what we got to do. It’s worth it.
Solution: Check out the Wellness Center in the RPAC for budgeting information if those student loans are starting to freak you out. You can also still apply for scholarships even though you’re already in college. It’s true, and I know what you’re thinking, “I just got into college writing a bunch of essays, and now you want me to write more?!” Well…yes. But think about it this way: you could essentially be paid to write down your thoughts, so go get ’em!
Problem: Ohioans can recite all 88 counties of Ohio in alphabetical order, but you barely know how to spell Cincinnati.
Solution: Take some time to get to know your new home state! Cedar Point, the Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame, and Lake Erie are my personal favorites. Don’t have a car? Keep reading to find out some awesome things to do right here in Columbus!
Problem: Homesickness. Everyone experiences this, even if they don’t admit it.
Solution: When you’re feeling blue, try to do things that remind you of home, like cooking a favorite meal or watching your favorite show. It also helps to think about the things you have here at Ohio State that you don’t have at home. Not sure about you, but my hometown doesn’t have Big Ten sporting events or the RPAC. Nor do you have any chance of running into Aaron Craft on the Oval. If your town has any of these things, please comment below so I can come visit.
Problem: While some of your friends can go home whenever they want, you’re a plane, train, and/or automobile away from your house.
Solution: Take the weekends when your friends are away to explore Columbus. Check out the North Market, a Blue Jackets game, or get some Jeni’s ice cream! You can also check out Buckeye Beyond Ohio events to meet some new out-of-state friends (and there’s usually free food!)
Well my fellow out-of-staters (and I suppose even you Ohioans), I hope this list has given you some ideas on how to feel more at home here in Columbus. It may all still be a little overwhelming, but I assure you the longer you’re here, the more you’re going to fall in love (how could you not?!).