Community Service: TOPS at COSI

Image of TOPS students and mentors at COSI.

As part of the partnership with COSI and Children’s Hunger Alliance teaming up to feed lives and minds of Columbus Children they have partnered to distribute grab-and-go meals and a new COSI “Learning Lunchbox,” which is a resource kit filled with hands-on science activities for children in need in the Columbus area.

Seven TOPS students and two mentors attended a community service event on October 23rd, 2020 to assist with the assembly of science kits to support the COSI “Learning Lunchbox.” Student’s traveled in small group car pools and worked with their masks on. They were provided gloves and a socially distanced work station for this in-person event.  We were able to take a quick moment to catch the group posing for a photo for you all.  Thank you to COSI for allowing us to come and volunteer, and thank you to the TOPS Students and mentors for your service!

“Students had a lot of fun making science kits and listening to Halloween music.  Molly and Alex from COSI were great!”
~Lauren B., Mentor

So happy to hear the students had a great time, we really enjoyed hosting them and they really helped out!
~ Molly, COSI

To learn more about the learning lunchbox project, please visit: