SABE Seeks Input on 2020 Election

Logo for SABE GoVoter Project

Self-Advocates Becoming Empowered’s (SABE) GoVote Project has opened a survey to learn about the voting experience of people with disabilities.

Whether you voted by mail-in, by absentee ballot, in-person early voting or on Election Day, the SABE GoVoter Project wants to know if you had any problems or questions about your voting experience.

This includes your experiences with registering to vote, getting information about candidates, the attitude of poll workers and issues to casting your ballot.

Source: The Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council. “Council Connection.” Nov. 2020.

REMINDER: Get out and VOTE tomorrow!

Voting Checklist

  1. Find your polling place
  2. Learn what’s on your ballot
  3. Find out what you need to bring with you to vote
  4. Go vote on November 3rd!

Image of the words "Election Day is November 3rd"

Voting In-Person on Election Day

Know your polling place location and bring your proof of ID to vote. The General Election will be held on Tuesday November 3rd, 2020. Learn what will be on your ballot ahead of time to know more about which candidates are running and where they stand on important issues; you can bring your printed and filled in guide from Vote 411 with you into the voting booth to help you remember which votes you want to cast!

Polling Place Accommodations

Ohio polling places should provide touch screen voting machines and have audio adaptations for assisting the blind. There are also adaptations for voters with lack of muscle control.

If you have a disability you may also have assistance by two election officials (of different political parties) or by the person of your choice (except employer or union agent). Poll workers are urged to accommodate voters with disabilities in any way they can.

If the polling place is not accessible for you, when possible you may vote curbside. In these cases, two poll workers will take a voting device to the you.

For more information, you can utilize the American Association of People With Disabilities (AAPD) resource.

Source: “Election Information You Need.” VOTE411, 2020,