We Need Your Help!

Every five years, The Ohio State University Nisonger Center, a University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, revises its strategic plan and updates what we will work on for the next five years. To do so, we need input from Ohioans with developmental disabilities, family members, services and supports providers, professionals, and other interested stakeholders.  We need your ideas about what would make things better for Ohioans with a developmental disabilities and what is needed to better support their learning, independence, health, employment options … to lead a happy life.Please complete the Needs Assessment survey by March 11th, 2022. Survey takes 15-20 minutes to complete.

English:  https://osu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5769kAtRoAQDYSEspañol: https://osu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bDijPQI1Qkv4ufISoomaali: https://osu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6l0WMNb23y641q6  [Fiiro Gaar ah: Eeg midigta sare ee bogga ka dibna dhag sii “Somali.”]  * *Please do not complete this survey if you do not live, work or support an individual in the state of Ohio.

Help Needed! Intimacy Survey for Student’s with IDD

Chelsea Stinnett, research assistant professor in Educational Studies at the University of South Carolina, needs help from students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. If you are a current student enrolled in TOPS, please read the message below:

We need your help to learn more about your experiences, interests, and preferences for learning about romantic and sexual relationships in college. We are completing a study using this survey to figure out (1) what experiences college students with disabilities have with romantic and sexual relationships, (2) their level of interest and preferences for learning more about this topic, and (3) their beliefs on the role that their college program plays in addressing their intimacy knowledge needs.

It will take approximately 45 minutes to complete this survey. You will be asked questions about your experiences with romantic relationships and sexual activity. Whether you know a lot about this topic or not, your feedback is important. There is an optional opportunity to be included in a future study, but if you don’t want to participate, we will not contact you about the study after you complete the survey.

This survey is anonymous and confidential. You can also choose whether you want to do it or not. There is no risk associated with completing this survey. The information we collect will remain confidential, meaning that no important information that could reveal who you are will be included in any of our reports or papers. If you complete the entire survey, you’ll be entered in a drawing to win one of five $50 Amazon gift cards.

You’re welcome to ask for help if you need someone to read you the questions or ask for clarification. If at any time you want to stop, simply exit the survey.

To access the survey, click on any of the hyperlinks above or use this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PGQ99NG

If you have any questions about this study, please contact me via email at stinnetc@mailbox.sc.edu. If you have any questions or concerns about your rights as a research subject, please contact the University of South Carolina’s Office of Research Compliance at 803-777-6670.

Thank you for your participation!Chelsea VanHorn StinnettResearch Assistant Professor, University of South Carolinastinnetc@mailbox.sc.edu

No Classes: Spring Break

Happy Spring Break!

Classes at the university will not be held Monday, March 14th through Friday, March 18th, 2022. Offices will be open and staff will work remotely.

Have a safe and restful break!

Ohio PTA Memorial Scholarship Program | Special Education Application


The Ohio PTA Memorial Scholarship Program Special Education Application is for students with a current IEP/504, planning to attend a two- or four-year academic, technical, or vocational state approved program.

Below is the link to a scholarship opportunity through the Ohio PTA Memorial Scholarship Program.


Please complete application in its entirety. One application per student.
Please direct any questions to scholarship@ohiopta.org.

For more information about Ohio PTA Memorial Scholarship Program, please visit: http://www.ohiopta.org/

Valemee Fitness: Pop-Up Classes

About Valemee

Our mission is to value and empower each individual, celebrate those with unique developmental, neurological and physical needs, and help overcome barriers to achieving optimal fitness fitness and independence for all.

We believe that everyone deserves to experience health and fitness that lead to greater independence, personal growth and lifelong health.

Valemee Around Town! Join Us!

For a 30-minute fitness class introducing the Valemee System. Come and experience what sets us apart in empowering individuals on their journey to lifelong fitness.



(Limit 6 per class so register soon!)


Sourcepoint, 9:00 am

800 Cheshire Rd. Deleware, OH

IPA Fitness, 11:00 am

6155 Huntley Rd. Worthington, OH

Fitness Loft, 12:30 pm

625 Parsons Ave. Columbus, OH

YMCA, 2:30 pm

Location TBD

Westerville Community Center 4:30 pm

350 N Cleveland Ave. Westerville, OH

Valemee 6:30 pm

6631 Commerce Parkway Unit L. Dublin, OH

Caregivers/ Guardians/ Family Members

All caregivers, guardians, and family members are encouraged to participate in this pop-up adaptive fitness class.

To register: contact peggy@valemee.com

OSU Nisonger TOPS Program Information Session

What is TOPS?

The Transition Options in Postsecondary Settings program at The Ohio State University Nisonger Center offers individuals with intellectual & developmental disabilities a unique opportunity to engage in OSU academic coursework and work experiences. We offer a 2 & 4-year Workforce Development Certificate Program that focuses on: Academics, Career Development, Independent Living, & Self-Determination.

The session will feature in depth discussion on the following:

  • Academic classes
  • Work experiences
  • Independent living
  • Application and Financial Aid processes

Application Deadlines:

  • Early Action — November 1st
  • Regular Decision — February 1st

Session Date/Time:

  • January 13th, 2022
  • ** March 2nd, 2022   5:00pm-6:30pm**

**Please note that the March information session is after the application deadline**


Join Zoom Meeting

https://osu.zoom.us/j/97384520687?pw d=SVQ4aDFZcTBLcXBVS2VlaHNGRmg2UT09

Meeting ID: 973 8452 0687

Password: 891356



Call: 614-685-3185

Email: transitions@osumc.edu

Students Needed for Self-Guided Intervention Study

Do you need help managing stress? 

Researchers at Rutgers University are recruiting autistic students and their parents/guardians for a research study to evaluate a self-guided intervention designed to support the emotional well-being of autistic students enrolled in Postsecondary Education (PSE).

You may be eligible if you:

  • Are 18 years or older
  • Are accepted to or enrolled in PSE (undergraduate or graduate program)
  • Have a previous diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Have an iOS or Android compatible smartphone
  • Have a parent or guardian who is also willing to participate (fill out questionnaires) [optional]

If you are eligible, you will be asked to complete:

  • Questionnaires about you and your social & emotional functioning
  • Videoconferences visit to assess cognitive and academic skills
  • An Emotional Support Plan (ESP)
  • Daily check-ins via smartphone app up to 4 times per day for 6 weeks


  • You can receive up tp $253 for your participation
  • Your parent/guardian will receive up to $40

If interested, please complete the screening form at:



Email questions to:


University Closed: MLK Day

In observation of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the university will be closed Monday, January 17th, 2022.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. during the March on Washington in 1963.