Research Study Opportunity: Health and Health Care Services

“Researchers” or “staff” at The Ohio State University (OSU) Nisonger Center want to talk to adults with intellectual disabilities (ID) to learn how they feel about their health and health care.

Nisonger staff would also like to interview support persons, family, friends, and care providers who know the adult with ID well.

Interviews can be done by video chat (Zoom) or in-person. Both people will get a gift card for their time (up to $75 each).

Sample questions about health include: (1) Are you happy with the health care you receive? (2) In the last two weeks, did your health make it hard to do things? and, (3) Do you feel sad a lot of the time, or do you feel sad only a little of the time?

Listening to people with ID talk about health is key to making health care better for the whole community.

If you are interested in participating, you can sign up by:

Any questions you have can be directed to or Andrew Buck at

This study is funded by National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) Grant #90RTHF0002.

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