Student Spotlight: Griffin

Meet Griffin, a second-year in the TOPS Program! Griffin’s favorite aspects of TOPS are getting to take classes and seeing his friends when he is working in the Academic Center. His favorite class he has taken so far is Mallory and Ashley’s class. Griffin explained that he has learned a lot about how to respect the opinions of other people through the TOPS Program. After graduation, Griffin wants to work in a classroom as a teacher or a teacher’s aide.

One of Griffin’s favorite memories in the program was going to the state fair this summer, where he enjoyed a big slushie. Griffin also had a lot of fun at the Ohio State hockey game, which he considers to be the best part of Ohio State. He is also excited to be involved with BuckeyeThon for the first time this year.

If he could choose to skydive, scuba dive, or bungee jump, Griffin would opt for either skydiving or bungee jumping because those sound like the most fun!

The TOPS Staff thinks Griffin is great at self-advocacy. They also appreciate that he is always polite and friendly. Thanks, Griffin!

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