What is it?
An online survey about: experiences with mental health and developmental disability services and supports, barriers to getting services, and training needs for professionals with intellectual or developmental disabilities and mental health disability systems
Who can participate?
Adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities and/or caregivers of adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities and with a mental health disability.
How much time will it take?
It will take about 15-20 minutes to complete.
How do I take the survey?
Click the following link https://osu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4TQDaPfSA4Kc3FY
Contact Manisha Khatiwada at 614-366-3828 or manisha.katiwada@osumc.edu
Thanks for the great information. Recently I visited Chick fil A. They allows its customers to give feedback if they have visited any outlet in the near past. https://www.mycfavisit.blog/ is the official website where the survey is taken from the customers.
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