Research Opportunity: Health Measures/Instruments

See below for information about a research opportunity.

“The goal of this research is to make new instruments to assess health-related problems and well-being for people with intellectual disabilities (ID). These instruments are surveys that ask people with ID about their health and quality of life. The adult with ID will answer questions about their own mental health, physical health, and quality of life. We also ask their support person (someone who knows them well) to answer those same questions about the adult with ID.

The adult with ID and their support person would meet with our researchers either at The Ohio State University Nisonger Center or at the home of the adult with ID to answer these questions in a clinical interview. We would meet with both individuals again 10-20 days later for a second interview. The first interview would take 2-4 hours, and the second would take around 2 hours to complete. For the first interview, both the adult with ID and their support person (study partner) would receive a $25 gift card. For the second interview, both would receive a $50 gift card.”

RRTC Study 1 Measures Recruitment Flier Validity Study

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