Written by Zach Walton, Reference and Instruction Librarian at The Ohio State University’s Lima Campus Library
Now that we are firmly in the Fall semester, I thought now would be as good a time as any to reflect on some of the changes we’ve likely made in how we teach at present. It’s likely that some of us are teaching in more of a hybrid format, while others favor more virtual or in-person instruction. In a recent OSUL Teaching & Learning Workshop, a major theme of the session was determining and planning how librarians will be teaching this semester. It was generally agreed upon that OSUL librarians will likely be determining the mode of outreach, engagement, and instruction in a way that best works with campus faculty, colleagues, and students. We discussed how teaching in a virtual environment was incredibly convenient, but also discussed the benefits of face to face instruction.
How have you been preparing for your class sessions this Fall? Have you encountered any challenges in planning, or have you developed new strategies you’ve been implementing in your instruction? How have you been engaging with your students? Have you had success negotiating with faculty on the best mode of instruction?
I was concerned that up here in Wooster the English faculty would prefer the canned video instruction that I created last year for the all online pandemic classes. I’m happy to report that every class chose to go back to the live in-person format which I prefer. One adjustment I made was to add a the use of an amplifier to assist in voice projection. I have a tendency to want to shout to compensate for the mask and the noisy ventilation system in our library computer lab. Some years I have even shut off the vent system while I teach, but didn’t see that as an option this year.
I had the same concerns about video instruction here on the Lima Campus, Kathy, and was also surprised by how many face to face classes I have been asked to visit so far. I’m happy to hear that the amplifier has been helpful! I’ve certainly been attempting to be cognizant of my own volume while teaching and wearing a mask, but thankfully, many of the classes I visit do not have a loud ventilation system.