Jacobson, Trudi, and Tom Mackey (2019). Metaliterate Learning for the Post-Truth World. Chicago: ALA.
Metaliteracy, Jacobson and Mackey’s revolutionary framework for information literacy, is especially well suited as a tool for ensuring that learners can successfully navigate the proliferation of fake news, questionable content, and outright denialism of facts in today’s information morass. Indeed, it is starkly evident that the competencies, knowledge, and personal attributes specific to metaliterate individuals are critical; digital literacy and traditional conceptions of information literacy are insufficient for the significant challenges we currently face. This book examines the newest version of the Metaliteracy Goals and Learning Objectives, as well as the relationship between metaliteracy and the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education, featuring contributions from a variety of information literacy instructors, educators, librarians, and faculty.