Season of Creation in a Box is a resource from the Green Churches Network in Canada. It includes a prayer guide, poster, fundraising guide, activities on spirituality, education and action, and an explanation of the Season of Creation. To download any of these resources or the entire “box,” click here.
Season of Creation
Season of Creation October 4th: Evening Prayer with St. Francis of Assisi
The Season of Creation comes to a close on the 4th of October, which is known as the Feast of St. Francis. To celebrate this day, and the end of the Season of Creation, this resource includes readings, prayers, and reflections. The theme for this resource focuses on kinship with creation and how the harmony between the Creator, humanity and creation as a whole has been disrupted by humanity presuming to take the place of God and refusing to acknowledge our creaturely limitations. To read more, click here.
Creation Time: Passing our Planet on Week 2
The week two resource for Creation Time, Scotland’s title for the Season of Creation, focuses on passing on the gift of hope. This week includes multiple scriptures, sermon ideas, time with children, prayers, musical suggestions, and additional resources. To read more on week two and passing on hope, click here.
Creation Time: Passing Our Planet on Week 1
Eco-Congregation Scotland provides a weekly resource for Creation Time, Scotland’s title for the Season of Creation. The first week is focused on passing on the gift of integrity and it includes a song, correlating scripture, sermon ideas, time with children, prayers, musical suggestions, and additional resources. To read more or download the week one resource, click here.
Season of Creation Week 4: On the Path of Ecological Conversation
The fourth week of the Season of Creation is focused on the preaching and teaching of St. John Paul II and his emphasis on the environmental crisis. He said that, “ we must encourage and support the ecological conversation, which has made humanity more sensitive to the catastrophe to which is has been heading.” This week includes multiple scriptures, reflections, and prayers along with a hymn. To read more, click here.
Season of Creation Week 3: Celebrating with Sister Water
The third week of the Season of Creation is focused on water. This week contains a call to prayer, a hymn, and a song. It also recommends water sounds to be played in the background and seven candles to be lit and placed in water. To read more, click here.
The Lutheran World Federation Season of Creation
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In order to honor their commitment to creation, the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) invites its members to engage in the season of creation that is annually observed worldwide. They provide weekly blogs from the communion of churches and biblical reflections. There are biblical reflections for each week of the season and they contain a variety of resources including prayers, poems, reflections and personal stories. To read more on the LWF blog and biblical reflections, click here.
“As people of faith, we are called to live in the right relationship with creation and not exhaust it.”
–Lutheran World Federation Assembly Resolution on Climate Change (2017)
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Creationtide is the period dedicated to God as Creator and Sustainer of all life. It is the equivalent of the Season of Creation, the period between September 1st and October 4th, but the Church of England refers to it as Creationtide. The resource page contains liturgies and examples of services and prayers from across the Church of England to help people explore and celebrate Creationtide. There are also weekly suggested readings and discussion questions, an actions and reflections sheet focused on food, and a Letters for Creation project, which discusses the impacts of climate change. To read more, click here.
Earth Connection Season of Creation Calendar
Earth Connection has created a calendar for this years Season of Creation. It provides daily advice, ideas, and prayers to help people of faith celebrate this season. To view this calendar, click here.
Season of Creation Toolkit
This toolkit is meant to provide resources for the Season of Creation. It offers ways to incorporate creation into your congregation through prayer, advocacy, and worksheets. To see the entire toolkit, click here.