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In this section: “Introduction to The Sacred Journey” by Frederick Buechner (19-22); “The Good Life and The Abundant Life” by Michael Schut (23-32)
This introduction argues for a change in perspective. Buechner calls readers to recognize and celebrate the movement of the divine in everyday life, to reclaim the sacred in the ordinary. To hope for living more simply and compassionately, we must begin with a recognition of the sacred reality of the lives around us. Later in this book other authors will argue that life is not just human life, but life of plants, animals and the universe itself.
When we are tuned into a generous understanding of the sacred we can recognize that we have uplifted the idol of “the good life.” Schut argues that as we have pursued good lives, we have revered “cultural idols” more than we should. He points to materialism and economic growth, productivity, anthropocentrism and individualism, and simplicity itself. Only simplicity rooted in a faithful understanding of the sacred can move us closer to an abundant life.
In the arc of this book, this early section is a wonderful foundation on that to confront other issues found later. The theme of sacred will continue throughout this work. Those intrigued by Buechner’s ideas about sacred in the everyday might also consider Tish Harrison Warren’s Liturgy of the Ordinary.