Non-accessible Survey Questions to be Disabled

Qualtrics surveys contain several questions that cannot be read or responded to by people with disabilities who rely on assistive technology for access to their computers. As such, these “non-accessible” survey questions do not comply with Ohio State’s web/digital accessibility policy and a settlement agreement with the Office of Civil Rights. Unless granted an exemption by the University ADA Coordinator, any digital information or service by any campus unit must meet the Minimum Digital Accessibility Standards (MDAS).

These non-accessible survey questions will be disabled for all users this summer. Exemptions may be submitted to either the ADA Coordinator’s Office or the Digital Accessibility Center and are approved by Scott Lissner, Ohio State’s ADA Coordinator and 504 Compliance Officer with the Office of Compliance and Institutional Integrity. The exemption request form can be found at: The Digital Accessibility Center is available to assist campus units through the exemption request process. You can request assistance by emailing