Open Source (Free) Statistical Software

Bayesian Software

  • Blimp: Works on Mac OS and Windows, originally designed for multiple imputation, Blimp now offers general-purpose Bayesian estimation and estimation routines for interactive and polynomial effects that are not yet available in other software packages, including support for binary, ordinal, and nominal outcomes.

General Statistical Software

  • jamovi: Works on Mac OS and Windows, provides a complete suite of analyses for the social sciences (e.g., t tests, ANOVAs, correlation and regression, non-parametric tests, contingency tables, reliability and factor analysis).
  • JASP: Works on Mac OS and Windows, provides many standard analysis procedures in both their classical and Bayesian form.
  • R: Works on Mac OS and Windows, provides a wide variety of statistical (e.g., linear and nonlinear modelling, classical statistical tests, time-series analysis, classification, clustering and graphical techniques), and is highly extendable.
    • After installing R, we recommend installing RStudio to use as the interface for using R.

Item Analysis Software

  • jMetrik: Works on Mac OS and Windows, designed for psychometric analysis. Methods include classical item analysis, differential item functioning, item response models (e.g. Rasch, 3PL, 4PL, GPCM), and item response theory linking and equating. The official user manual, Applied Measurement with jMetrik, is available as an electronic book through the OSU library.

Statistical Power Analysis Software

  • G*Power: Works on Mac OS and Windows, used to calculate statistical power. G*Power offers the ability to calculate power for a wide variety of statistical tests.
  • GLIMMPSE: Works on Windows, calculates power or sample size for designs with normally distributed outcomes and for a variety of multilevel and longitudinal designs.
  • LIFESPAN: Works on Mac OS and Windows, enables researchers to sketch a longitudinal study as a SEM and examine power and/or reliability measures for hypotheses about change (e.g., latent growth curve models and hypotheses about the variance of change).
  • Optimal Design: Works on Windows, performs statistical power calculations for multilevel and longitudinal research, particularly group-randomized trials.