The Quantitative Methodology Center (QMC) is a specialized service area under the College of Education and Human Ecology (EHE). Our mission is to provide quantitative research data services to EHE administrators, faculty, students, post-doctoral scholars, visiting scholars, and staff.
The QMC office is currently remote. If you would like to request a face-to-face meeting with QMC, there are spaces available in Ramseyer Hall. Please include this request in an email to our office. Our email is qmc@osu.edu.
QMC is focused on quantitative methodology. If you were looking for assistance with qualitative research, please visit QualLab.
Our Team
Beverly Vandiver, Ph.D.
Director of QMC
Beverly is one of the most prominent scholars in her field. Her research interests include culturally appropriate measurement, scale development and validation; race and gender identity development and multicultural theory, most notably on Black racial identity. She is editor-in-chief of the Journal of Black Psychology and holds fellow status in three divisions of the American Psychological Association: the Society for Counseling Psychology; Quantitative and Qualitative Methods; and the Society for the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity and Race. The latter gave her its 2017 Distinguished Career-Contributions to Research Award. Beverly also has chaired the association’s Committee on Psychological Tests and Assessment and served as its liaison to the official U.S. source for evaluation standards, the Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation.
Beverly has published and presented widely. She is the lead author and developer of the Cross Racial Identity Scale, identified as a best practice in scale development. As a Buros-Spencer Scholar with the Buros Center for Testing, she consulted in creating its online Socio-Emotional Learning Assessment Technical Guidebook for selecting assessments for K-12 students. She has served on editorial boards for numerous journals, most recently The Counseling Psychologist.
Before arriving to OSU and QMC, Beverly was a professor in the Department of Counselor Psychology and Counselor Education at Western Michigan University. Prior to that, she was also Associate Professor of Education specializing in counseling and school psychology at The Pennsylvania State University. While there, she also directed the Africana Research Center.
Susie Mauck, Ph.D.
Research Development Specialist
Susie was a public elementary school teacher before completing her doctorate at OSU in the College of Education and Human Ecology (EHE), Quantitative Research, Evaluation, and Measurement program. She specializes in quantitative methodology and has been supporting the work of the faculty and students in EHE since 2015. Susie manages the quantitative methodology consulting team and supports the QMC office in general. Her research interests center around quantitative measurement and psychometrics.