Auxiliary Courses

Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership (ACEL)

Department Course Course Number Course Name Course Description
ACEL 8855 Research Methods and Design This course is designed to establish a culture of scholarship among students enrolled in the Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership graduate program. This course provides an overview of different types of quantitative research methods and design, qualitative and mixed methods approaches, and the basics of interpreting statistics and rational research.
ACEL 8877 Data Collection,     Analysis  & Interpretation A quantitative methods course in measurement, data collection and analysis related to social and behavioral science research. An applied approach is taken on instrumentation and analyzing data using descriptive and inferential statistics.

Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics (AEDE)

Department Course Course Number Course Name Course Description
AEDECON 6110 Applied Quantitative Methods I Application of econometric and time series method to the analysis of problems in agricultural, environmental, and development economics.
AEDECON 6120 Applied Quantitative Methods II Application of mathematical programming and statistical methods to the analysis of problems in agricultural, environmental, and development economics.
AEDECON 6130 Applied Quantitative Methods III This course builds upon the applied econometric content in AEDE 6110 by introducing complementary practical methods of data analytics. Topics include data exploration and visualization, model selection and regularization for high dimensional data, supervised and unsupervised machine learning methods.
AEDECON 7110 Applied Quantitative Methods I Application of advanced mathematics and mathematical optimization methods to problems in agricultural, environmental, and development economics.
AEDECON 7120 Applied Quantitative Methods II Theoretical formulation and numerical analysis of stochastic dynamic models in agricultural, environmental, development and financial economics.
AEDECON 7130 Applied Econometrics I A rigorous introduction to techniques of econometric analysis with applications to empirical problems in agricultural, environmental, and development economics.
AEDECON 7140 Applied Econometrics II Special topics pertaining to the application of econometric methods to empirical problems in agricultural, environmental, and development economics.



Department Course Course Number Course Name Course Description
COMM 6661 Statistical Applications     in Communication I Fundamental principles of statistics commonly used in communication research.
COMM 6701 Working with Communication Data Techniques for coding, entering and maintaining data sets in preparation for thesis or other research activities. Includes logical coding, documentation, mapping responses to numerical representations, assessing reliability, merging files, maintaining confidentiality via ID codes and other topics.
COMM 7710 Introduction to Social Networks Focuses on the theoretical and methodological bases of social network analysis.
COMM 7712 Seminar in Social Networks The theory, substance, and methods for understanding patterns, causes, and consequences of relationships among populations of actors.
COMM 7789 Survey Research Practicum Hands-on applications for students interested in the planning, implementation and analysis of a scientific sample survey.
COMM 7790 Statistical Applications     in Communication II Survey of research methods and practical experience in conducting a research project.

Political Science

Department Course Course Number Course Name Course Description
POLITSC 7551 Quantitative Political Analysis: I Explication, interpretation, and application of techniques for quantitative analysis of political data; descriptive and inferential statistics, with emphasis on bi-variate analysis.
POLITSC 7552 Quantitative Political Analysis: II Descriptive and inferential statistics with emphasis on multivariate analysis; additional topics offered as desired and possible: scaling, index construction, sampling, measurement reliability.
POLITSC 7553 Quantitative Political Analysis: III A continuation of subjects begun in 7552, including such topics as scaling, index construction, sampling, and measurement reliability.
POLITSC 7780 Political Science Research Methods Introduction to political science research with emphasis on survey and experimental designs, data generation techniques, data processing, and computer utilization.
POLITSC 7783 Research Methods in International Relations Examines a number of research techniques and approaches common in international politics such as content analysis, simulation, mathematical modeling, and factor analysis.


Department Course Course Number Course Name Course Description
PSYCH 6810 Statistical Methods in Psychology I Basic concepts of descriptive and inferential statistics; includes estimation, hypothesis testing, non-parametric techniques, and analysis of variance.
PSYCH 6811 Statistical Methods in Psychology II Simple linear regression and correlation, multiple linear regression, interactions; introduction to other related methods such as nonlinear regression and random effects models.
PSYCH 6820 Introduction to Bayesian Statistics for Psychological Data An introduction to Bayesian statistics & data analysis for graduate students in the Dept of Psychology. It reviews basic probability theory & Bayes theorem, provides a broad introduction to inference from the modern Bayesian perspective & contrasts that to more traditional frequentist inference. Topics covered include analysis of proportions & means, interval estimates, regression, & Bayes factors.
PSYCH 6822 Statistical Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis The application of principles of linear modeling to exploring questions about mediated (mechanisms) and moderated (conditional) effects. Topics include classic and contemporary approaches to testing mediation and moderation hypotheses, path analysis, indirect and direct effects, probing and plotting interactions, and analytically integrating moderation and mediation analysis.
PSYCH 6863 Psychometrics In-depth coverage of classic and contemporary topics in psychological measurement including test construction, reliability, validity, Item Response Theory, and computerized adaptive testing.
PSYCH 7820 Fundamentals of Factor Analysis Basic Common Factor Model and its application in psychology; model, communality estimation, factor extraction, orthogonal and oblique rotation, factor scores, confirmatory factor analysis, use of computer programs.
PSYCH 7821 Covariance Structure Models Theory and methods of testing models of covariance structures; general mathematical model, identification, parameter estimation, goodness of fit, model modification, and the use of computer programs such as LISREL.
PSYCH 7822 Fundamentals of Item Response Theory Basic concepts underlying item response theory; overview of more advanced topics.
PSYCH 7823 Analysis of Repeated Measures and Longitudinal data Topics include statistical methods for the analysis of nested data with focus on repeated measures, longitudinal studies, and change over time.
PSYCH 8896 Advanced Seminar in Quantitative Psychology Power analysis. Topics include effect size determination, different approaches to computing power (e.g., R pwr package, G*power, SAS PROC POWER, Monte Carlo simulation); misconceptions, limits, and abuses of power analysis.

Public Affairs

Department Course Course Number Course Name Course Description
PUBAFRS 6070 Public Affairs Statistics Provides students with analytical knowledge and tools necessary to acquire, manage and analyze data. Students learn probability and statistics to conduct analysis and evaluation and evaluate the quality of analyses conducted by others.
PUBAFRS 7505 Wicked Policy Problems Elective course examines “wicked” policy problems, or policy problems that require attention to multiple causal factors (e.g. economic, financial, political, social, cultural, technological).
PUBAFRS 7571 Multivariate Regression Analysis An applied course in regression analysis in which students use multiple regression to make predictions and test hypotheses to help inform policy analysis.


Department Course Course Number Course Name Course Description
SOCIOL 6649 Intro to Quantitative Research/Multiple Regression Assumptions, principles, and applications of the multiple regression model in sociological practice; basic model, dummy variables, and special functional forms.
SOCIOL 6650 Categorical Data Analysis Techniques of analysis for examining nominally measured dependent variables, and treatment of error structures that are heteroskedastic or correlated across cases.
SOCIOL 6710 Design and Analysis of Sociological Research Problem formulation, hypothesis testing, argumentation from data, and writing for professional audiences; research practicum leading to a research project.
SOCIOL 8607 Causal Modeling A survey of advanced problems in the multivariate analysis of sociological data.
SOCIOL 8632 Analysis of Longitudinal Data Provides an introduction to event history analysis and other types of longitudinal data analysis.
SOCIOL 8651 Hierarchical Linear Models Introduction to hierarchical linear and nonlinear models; review of three level, latent growth curve, cross-classified, and latent variable models for hierarchical data.

Social Work

Department Course Course Number Course Name Course Description
SOCWORK 8405 Structural Equation Modeling for the Social and Behavioral       Sciences Students will learn fundamental concepts, best practices, and skills to conduct and interpret results from three common types of SEM: path analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and general structural equation models. Appropriate methods for typical types of social science data will be emphasized. Students will also be introduced to two approaches to longitudinal modeling in SEM.
SOCWORK 8408 Statistics I for Social Work Research Stats I will equip students with knowledge of the role of quantitative analyses in social work research and its relationship to other components of the research process. Content in the course will be related to topics studied in students’ research methods and theory courses. Will focus on the application of skills using SPSS and Stata software and on the reporting of findings from analyses.
SOCWORK 8409 Statistics II for Social Work Research Stats II focuses on two topics central to social science research: multiple regression and the development of measures or scales. Introductory to intermediate regression topics will be covered, such as mediation, moderation, dummy variables in regression, and hierarchical regression. The course will prepare students to conduct power analyses, and to generate and interpret confidence intervals.

Quantitative courses offered for Summer 2023:


Quantitative courses offered for Autumn 2023:

  • ACEL 8855: Research Methods and Design
    • Amanda Bowling (Agriculture Admin Bldg 211; Fr 9:10AM – 11:55AM)


  • AEDECON 6110: Applied Quantitative Methods I
    • Ani Katchova (Agriculture Admin Bldg 246; MoWe 12:45PM – 2:05PM)
    • Zhining Sun (Agriculture Admin Bldg 005; We 9:10AM – 11:00AM)
  • AEDECON 7110: Advanced Quantitative Methods I
    • Yongyang Cai (Kottman Hall 116; TuTh 10:00AM – 12:30PM)
    • Yongyang Cai & Alexander Ryan (Agriculture Admin Bldg 005; Mo 3:00PM – 5:00PM)
  • AEDECON 7120: Advanced Quantitative Methods II
    • Yongyang Cai (Kottman Hall 116; TuTh 10:00AM – 12:30PM)
    • TBA (Agriculture Admin Bldg 005; Mo 3:00PM – 5:00PM)


  • COMM 6661: Statistical Applications in Communication I
    • Matthew Grizzard (Journalism Bldg 224; MoWe 9:35AM – 10:55AM)


  • POLITSC 7551: Quantitative Political Analysis: I
    • Zuheir Desai (Derby Hall 150; TuTh 9:35AM – 10:55AM)
  • POLITSC 7553: Quantitative Political Analysis: III
    • Jan Pierskalla (Derby Hall 150; We 11:10AM – 1:45PM)
  • POLITSC 7780: Political Science Research Methods
    • Marcus Kurtz (Derby Hall 2078; Mo 9:00AM – 11:40AM)


  • PSYCH 6810: Statistical Methods in Psychology I
    • Jolynn Pek (Psychology Bldg 035; MoWe 9:35AM – 10:55AM)
    • Jolynn Pek (Psychology Bldg 022; Th 9:35AM – 10:55AM)
    • Jolynn Pek (Psychology Bldg 022; Th 11:10AM – 12:30PM)
  • PSYCH 7823: Analysis of Repeated Measures and Longitudinal Data;
    • Jolynn Pek (Psychology Bldg 115; We 2:00PM – 4:45PM)


  • PUBAFRS 6070: Public Affairs Statistics
    • Andrew Blatter (Page Hall 040; Tu 5:45PM – 7:35PM)
    • Tricia Petras (Page Hall 040; Th 5:00PM – 6:50PM)
  • PUBAFRS 7571: Multivariate Regression Analysis
    • Katie Vinopal (Page Hall 040; MoWe 3:55PM – 5:15PM)


  • SOCWORK 8405: Structural Equation Modeling for the Social and Behavioral Sciences
    • Natasha Bowen (Stillman Hall 444; Fr 1:00PM – 3:45PM)
  • SOCWORK 8408: Statistics I for Social Work Research
    • Gia Barboza-Salerno (Stillman Hall 425V; Fr 1:00PM – 3:45PM)