The agenda is in place for the fourth annual Ohio Agricultural Law Symposium, a program for attorneys and others working in the agricultural arena. The Symposium takes place on Friday, November 18 at The Ohio State University’s Ohio Union and features state and national experts on the most current legal and policy issues facing Ohio agriculture.
Nine topics are packed into the day-long program, including presentations by Ohio Senator Cliff Hite, Washington D.C. agricultural policy consultant Dale Moore and American Farm Bureau attorney Danielle Quist. Ohio attorneys and experts will speak on Livestock Care Standards, agri-environmental law, USDA audits, CAUV, oil and gas development and estate planning. Here is the complete agenda for the day:
Welcome – Peggy Hall, Director, OSU Agricultural & Resource Law Program
Chesapeake TMDL: EPA’s New Framework for Watershed Regulation
Danielle Quist, Senior Counsel for Public Policy, American Farm Bureau Federation, Washington, D.C.
Nutrient-Enriched Lakes, Livestock Emissions, and Other Hot Environmental Topics for Ohio Agriculture
Jack Van Kley, Van Kley and Walker LLC, Columbus
Enforcing Ohio’s New Livestock Care Standards
James Patterson, Assistant Attorney General, State of Ohio
The Office of Inspector General Audit: Preventing and Detecting Waste, Fraud and Abuse
Diana Blust, Senior Auditor, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Inspector General
Current Issues in Current Agricultural Use Valuation
Larry Gearhardt, Ohio Farm Bureau Federation, Columbus
Representing Landowners in Oil and Gas Leases and Mineral Disputes (Concurrent 1)
Richard A. Yoss, Yoss Law Office, Woodsfield
Estate Planning for Farmers in an Era of New Laws and New Wealth (Concurrent 2)
Beatrice Wolper, Emens & Wolper Law Firm, Columbus
Paul L. Wright, Wright Law Co., LPA, Dublin
Fighting for Agriculture in Washington: The Farm Bill and other Farm Policy Issues
Dale W. Moore, Vice President, Policy Directions, Inc, Washington, D.C.
Legislative Outlook for Ohio Agriculture
Senator Cliff Hite, Chair, Ohio Senate Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources Committee
The Ohio Agricultural Law Symposium is a partnership project of OSU’s Agricultural & Resource Law Program and the Ohio State Bar Association and its Agricultural Law Committee. The goal of the Symposium is to provide a forum for education, discussion and interaction on legal issues for Ohio agriculture. As in the past, OSU offers scholarships for law students to attend the Symposium at no cost through the support of the Paul L. Wright Agricultural Law endowment fund.
The Symposium brochure provides additional information about the program.