by: David Marrison, OSU Extension Educator
Farm accidents, cancer, disability, heart attacks, failing health, and death are all words farmers do not like to hear. Farming is the nation’s second most dangerous occupation in the United States. This combined with the aging farm population, could mean that your farm business might lose one of its key managers un-expectantly. Is your farm ready for the unexpected? Have you prepared the next generation to run your farm business after you are gone?
To help address the “ah-crap” moments caused by the unexpected, OSU Extension is pleased to be offering a webinar titled “Getting your Farm & Family Affairs in Order.” This webinar is open to farmers across the country and will be held on: Thursday, January 9, 2014 from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. EST
David Marrison, OSU Extension Educator & Associate Professor will be the featured speaker for the webinar. Learn how to develop an emergency contact list for your farm and how to develop letter of instructions to your their heirs regarding their financial matters. Learn how to consolidate all of your financial and personal information (real property, savings & investment accounts, legal documents) in one easy document. This will help you get a better handle on your finances and allow you to get a jump start on your estate plan. Learn the “opossum approach” to checking to see if your heirs are ready to run the farm business. Take time to organize your financial matters for your peace of mind. This program will save you hundreds of dollars as you plan develop your succession, retirement, and estate plans. Get your affairs in order so you can concentrate on your family, career, and bucket list!
No pre-registration is required and producers can attend by logging on to: Participants are encouraged to test their computer systems out by logging onto the web site before the program. More information about this program can be obtained by contacting David Marrison at or 440-576-9008