Farm Management Decision Tools to Assist With Lease Planning

by: Barry Ward, Leader, Production Business Management, Department of Agricultural Environmental and Development Economics, Ohio State University Extension, Leader, Production Business Management

There are a variety of tools available to assist you as a farm manager or landowner in the task of developing a flexible cash lease or crop share lease. These tools have been developed through Ohio State University Extension and the Department of Agricultural Environmental and Development Economics at the Ohio State University. These tools are downloadable Excel spreadsheets that can be used to evaluate changes to lease amounts depending on changing lease parameters. These tools are available online at:

The following are descriptions of the each tools.


Flexible Cash Lease Calculator – Cash Lease with a Bonus Approach

This flexible cash lease tool is intended to help landowners and tenants agree on terms of their flexible cash lease. This Flexible Cash Lease Calculator can assist users in developing a flexible cash rent model.

The flexible cash rent approach used in this calculator allows users to compare actual prices, yields and gross income to base prices, yields and gross revenue. The difference between the base and actual gross revenues can be shared in some proportion between landowner and operator and added to the base cash rent.

The Microsoft Excel spreadsheet is designed to enable the user to input base and year end prices, yields and proportional split to formulate a flex rental amount at the end of the lease year.


Flexible Cash Lease Calculator – Net Return Approach

This flexible cash lease tool is intended to help landowners and tenants agree on terms of their flexible cash lease. This Flexible Cash Lease Calculator can assist users in developing a flexible cash rent model. Unlike other flexible cash lease calculators, this tool allows the user to incorporate flexible parameters for input costs as well as for price and yield.

The flexible cash rent approach used in this calculator allows users to calculate actual net income for rented land and compare it against a base net income. The difference between the base and actual net revenues can be shared in some proportion between landowner and operator and added to the base cash rent.

The Microsoft Excel spreadsheet is designed to enable the user to input base and year end prices, yields and costs to formulate a flex rental amount at the end of the lease year.


Flexible Cash Lease Calculator – Ratio Approach

This flexible cash lease tool is intended to help landowners and tenants agree on terms of their flexible cash lease. This Flexible Cash Lease Calculator can assist users in developing a flexible cash rent model. Unlike other flexible cash lease calculators, this tool allows the user to incorporate flexible parameters for input costs as well as for price and yield.

The flexible cash rent approach used in this calculator is to multiply the base rent by: 1) the ratio of the Year End Price to Base Price, 2) the ratio of the Year End Yield to Base Yield and, 3) the ratio of the Base Input Costs to Year End Input Costs.

The Microsoft Excel spreadsheet is designed to enable the user to input base and year end prices, yields and costs to formulate a flex rent at the end of the lease year. There are two tabs for this calculator. Page 1 contains the Flexible Cash Lease Inputs and page 2 contains the Flexible Cash Lease Output.


Crop Share Calculator

The Crop-Share Lease Calculator is a tool designed to allow the user to input costs and shares of each to fairly allocate revenue in a crop share lease arrangement. This tool shows the tenant and landowner returns above total costs given share percentages and costs. This decision aid contains three sections:


This section separates various receipt and cost sections out so that the user can input the share percentage of that particular item.  Simply input the percentage that the landowner is responsible for and the tenant percentage is automatically generated.


This section allows the user to input the costs and receipts for the particular crops.


This section separates the sections into 4 broad categories (Receipts, Inputs, Machinery, and Direct Costs) and breaks them down to show the amount (based on the percentages inputted in section 1) that the landowner and the tenant are responsible for.  At the bottom of the sheet, it will show the return to total costs based on the numbers provided.

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