Are you a dairy producer? Are you a member of the Ohio dairy industry? If so you will be interested in learning about and bookmarking the website available at the Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics, College of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences, The Ohio State University. The link to this website is:
This website is maintained by Cameron Thraen, OSUE State Specialist, Dairy Markets and Policy. On this website you will find current market data, charts and graphs of important dairy data, such as U.S. milk production, cow numbers and milk yields. You can find a chart showing the net income margin for a typical Ohio dairy farm, such as Income over Feed, Net Income over Total Operating Cost, etc. These charts are updated on a weekly or monthly basis to help you stay abreast of the markets. There are many more links to useful information pertaining to the state of Ohio dairy.
Interested in the milk futures market? A notable feature is a link to a current Class 3 milk futures price chart and table, updated daily. The chart and table has that day’s closing futures price along with a table of premiums or discounts to the historical value for the Class 3 price. Is a $14.50 January Class 3 futures price a good price? Check out the futures premium or discount table and you will have your answer.
Along with current and historical market data and information, you will find valuable reading material on the current issues facing today’s dairy farm or industry participant. There are links to market outlook letters from a wide array of dairy economists as well as links to the Mideast Federal Order website and comprehensive University of Wisconsin Dairy Markets website.
Fire-up your computer and take a visit to the Ohio Dairy Web 2010 site and make it one of your daily internet visits.