Face-Off Narrative Drafts

Draft 1

The concept of focus and unfocused derives meaning from the optical perspective. One focuses on a singular point, blocking the world around them. It is the sharp, consistent texture and form that draws the observer to the center. One is restrained in this world view, having control, but only through a narrow hole that has a singular, forward outlook. In juxtaposition, the experience of being unfocused is similar to being distracted. Loud forms, freely moving around the body beckons one’s vison to jump from object to object. The constant shift of objects and color creates a chaotic atmosphere around the user. This dance of hues and unidentifiable components creates an experience not about the owner of the attire, but the unstable, erratic shift around them. Each experience, of focused and unfocused can be witnessed by their audience, making the interaction a shared event.

*The draft needed to be more about the meaning behind focus and unfocused. This draft appealed more to the concept statement format.

Draft 2

Focused is a single point of still clarity. Focus revolves around the eye, making a headdress an apt location to provide a focal point for the user and the viewer. A camera is an object that is the epitome of focus. It captures a moment crisply at a single moment and time. By wearing the unifocal head gear, one is an organic camera lens, viewing one point, and cementing that sharp image in their mind. The world around them is concealed, leaving them in the dark. Despite this restricted light exposure, the user is still in control. They must be cautious in their movement, limited; nevertheless, permitted and encouraged to witness the narrow, directed life around them.

*The narrative need to involve more of a scenario, and be about what type of person would use this head piece. This analysis lacked the question of what the person wearing this hopes the head gear will do.

Draft 3

The world around humanity is an experience of internal and external struggle, an experience about the individual and their environment.  The concept of focus and unfocused derives meaning from the optical perspective. One that is focus has a sense of direction. They want the world to be blocked, restricted to a narrow hole that has a singular, forward outlook. They are about sharp consistency plagued with continuous determination and internal attention. In conjunction, the unfocused person believes in drawing attention away from their features and insecurities. Creating movement and change around their face demonstrates how they wish to hide from observation, concealing their vision and distracting the audience from them. It is a mask leaping from the body, unifying space and person.

*A beginning, middle, and end was needed to create a more accurate narrative.

Draft 4

Daily routine is created by the same two components for all, one’s self and environment. One wakes up and must reflect on how the day will go, and in any situation the decision will be to prioritize one’s self- evaluating only minimal, single points of their surroundings, or to remove that personal focus and emphasize the atmosphere around their being. Essentially one option is to be the focus and the other is to be unfocused. One that is focus has a sense of direction. They want the world to be blocked, restricted to a narrow hole that has a singular, forward outlook. They are about sharp consistency plagued with continuous determination and internal attention. In conjunction, the unfocused person believes in drawing attention away from their features and insecurities. Creating movement and change around their face demonstrates how they wish to hide from observation, concealing their vision and distracting the audience from them. By the end of the day the focused person has witnessed only a small portion of the world, confined to one perspective and their own thoughts. It is a day of intense evaluation on a small amount of exposure. The person who asks for the world to not focus on them had a day of commotion. The people encountered looked at their surrounding environments as the light shimmering captivated attention. The perpetual shift of objects around them took priority and caused perpetual shift in thoughts throughout the day. At night subconsciousness resumes and no longer does the mind have a choice in the matter, as no one wears the masks to sleep.

Draft 5

Daily routine is created by the same two components for all people, one’s self and environment. One wakes up and must reflect on how the day will go. In any situation the decision will be to prioritize one’s self- evaluating only minimal, single points of their surroundings. Another option is to remove personal focus from oneself and emphasize the atmosphere around their being. One option encourages focus and the other eliminates focus. Focus has a sense of direction. The focused being wants the world to be blocked, restricted to a narrow hole that has a singular, forward outlook. They are about sharp consistency plagued with continuous determination and persistency on one point. The unfocused person believes in drawing attention away from one point, away from their features and insecurities. Creating movement and change around their face demonstrates how unfocused aimes to hide from observation, concealing their vision and distracting the audience from their features. By the end of the day the focused person has witnessed only a small portion of the world, confined to one perspective and their own thoughts. It is a day of intense evaluation on a small amount of exposure. The person who asks for the world to not focus on them had a day of commotion. The people encountered looked at their surrounding environments as the light shimmering captivated attention. The perpetual shift of objects around them took priority and caused perpetual shift in thoughts throughout the day. At night both subjects’ subconsciousness resume and no longer gives the mind a choice in the matter, as no one wears the masks to sleep. Their true selves become revealed once again.

Riddle Final Drafts

Final Daft 2

Black lettering with translucent

  • Pros- Invisible from distance, overall shape is concealed from front view
  • Cons- only legible from very close










Notice how becomes very visible the back reads “N” at only certain angles. Also, the front is a backwards “N” shape, yet does not read as so. This detail makes the riddle’s solution less obtainable from outside the door.






Final Draft 1

Black lettering with white negative space

  • Pros- Defined edges, mirrors handicap sign, easily read
  • Cons- Very obvious, more noticeable than the other two signs

Dynamic Page Idea

The idea behind my dynamic page is production versus consumption and how it is corrupt within the nicotine industry. Picture is the little girl front and center. Within her possession is a vape device commonly used by many of my peers. After glided towards her lips, the viewer can pull the side tab to see the color shift from a bright, warm color too black. It is a symbol of the poisoning the product has on the user. Following the color change, one can flip the side panels to reveal money being blown away. Again, the idea behind this is to have the bills appears as if they are flying away in waste. Finally, the exposing of the blackened lungs in the girl’s chest provides an end to this unidirectional, linear narrative. The product has done its damage, and the stage reveal is mean to be scene as a curtain opening to the story that will play out due to this corrupt system.