Project 2: Research








  • Order: The arrangement or disposition of people or things according to sequence or method
    • I used order in a sense that created more organized designs
  • Bold: Showing the ability to take risks/ A strong vivid appearance
    • Dark against light helped motivate my “bold” designs
      • High contrast
  • Playful: Light-hearted/ frisky
    • I wanted looser form and less cohesive structure.
    • I think of tumbling little kids knocking over toys.
  • Increase: To become greater in size, amount, or degree
    • I attempted to suggest upward movement
    • I felt my most successful “increase” designs emphasized size and rhythm
  • Congested: Immense crowd to the point that movement is hindered
    • I thought a lot about congestion in my nose and throat, causing many of these designs to be very busy and clustered with lines
  • Tension: The state of being stretched/ mental or emotional strain
    • I used unbalanced compositions to attempt to stress my viewer into experiencing tension (that is as much tension 4 squares can provoke)