School Garden Week of January 27th, 2025

This is a weekly look at what is happening in the school garden to assist teacher educators engage their students in agriculture.  It can be used by garden students of all ages however!

Have you been using the Growing Teachers Throughout the Seasons guidebook to assist you with your growing?


Want to learn what Growing Teachers Throughout the Seasons (GTS) is?  Check out the Guidebook HERE and the 20 Online Modules HERE!  It is a great way for a teacher to learn how to engage their kiddos in agriculture in a data driven and teacher tested method based on the academic calendar. 

Lets take a look at the weather:

Outside in the raised beds:

  • It looks like we may have a chance at a harvest this week!
  • The polar vortex may have caused some damage to the plants,  they should recover and grow new leaves if the roots are in good shape.
  • The good news is that the snow has been a great insulator for the plants and as it melts, it waters them for you.
  • Make sure to wait until the season extension garden cover is fully thawed before you pop open and check the plants. The best time to do this will be around mid-day. Replace the season extension garden cover after you harvest to let the heat build back up. 
  • The best harvest days look to be Thursday and Friday.

Here is a video from the GTS Online Modules to learn more about Season Extension

Here is a video that show how to safely harvest and store your fresh leafy greens


Inside under LED lights:  

This month’s seed starting under LED lights is lettuce.  If you did not get a chance to plant spinach or kale you can seed start them as well this month.  If you and your kiddos really liked the bok choy and you have the space under your lights and have some bok choy seed left then you can plant that as well.  If you do not have space to plant all of those,  and remember that we will be planting collard greens in pots in February so we need to plan on a little space for them.  Prioritize spinach and kale if you do not have any outside in the raised bed since the kiddos will be tasting them in the next two months. Email questions to me at

Here is a planting example:

Example: There are 32 pots in the tray.  You could plant 8 lettuce, 8 kale, and 8 spinach now.  Then plant 8 collard greens in February.  Or substitute some bok choy or collard greens in for some of the kale and spinach.  Let me know if you have questions. 

The video below shows how to seed start kale.  It would be the same process for lettuce, bok choy, collard greens, and spinach.  The spinach will take at least a week to germinate however, while the other seeds will germinate in just a few days.


All of the seedlings we are planting now can will be able to be transplanted outside later on, or if you want to let them grow indoors until they are harvested you can do that too.

Thinning seedlings is very important so that they grow properly without competing with each other.  Here is a thinning video to answer any questions you have.  Remember to bottom water the seedlings prior to thinning so that they slip out OK.  If they are too tangled, gently use scissors to remove the unwanted seedling.

Inside in the Aerogarden:

This month we are planting tomatoes in the Aerogarden.  If you planted herbs in the Aerogarden last semester you will need to clean out the unit before you plant your tomatoes so you can start fresh with a clean Aerogarden.  Follow the instructions for tomato planting carefully, a link to the guide is below. If you need tomato pods then contact Katie.

  • Plant just one tomato pod in the Aerogarden Harvest.
  • Keep the small plastic dome on the pod until germination.
  • Remove the small plastic dome after the seed sprouts.
  • Thin to only one tomato plant in the system.
  • Keep the other holes covered with the black or white plastic caps to keep light from entering into the reservoir with the nutrient system.


One tomato pod in an Aerogarden Harvest centered in the middle to get the most light, with the rest of the holes capped off.

There are more than one seedling in the cup. You need to gently thin to only one tomato seedling per pod.

Do you need seeds or seed starter for your project?  Contact Katie.

Aerogarden has some great information on planting on their website.  CLICK HERE for their product manual website.

Click HERE for the Aerogarden planting guide for tomatoes.


Want to see what others are doing?  Check out the Columbus City School gardens at ccs_growing_teachers on Insta!

School Garden Week of November 17th, 2024

This is a weekly look at what is happening in the school garden to assist teacher educators engage their students in agriculture.  It can be used by garden students of all ages however!

Have you been using the Growing Teachers Throughout the Seasons guidebook to assist you with your growing?


Want to learn what Growing Teachers Throughout the Seasons (GTS) is?  Check out the Guidebook HERE and the 20 Online Modules HERE!  It is a great way for a teacher to learn how to engage their kiddos in agriculture in a data driven and teacher tested method based on the academic calendar. 

Outside in the raised beds:

There are some tasks we are looking to get started outdoors this week if possible.  Some action items for those who are using GTS:

  • It looks like we will have pretty good rain this week.  This will allow your baby spinach and kale seeds to get good root growth. 
  • Make sure you have your season extension garden cover and low tunnels good to go as we need them for the cold overnights. I recommend you use the cover this entire week and likely for the rest of the winter. 
  • You may be getting a harvest now,  Send me pics of your produce!! Make sure to let the season extension garden cover thaw before you try to open the cover to water or to harvest. Around mid-day is best.  Then replace the cover. 

I got some questions about the hardening off process.  There is a great video that I linked below, in the online GTS modules.

If you have any transplants that need to go outside,  wait until mid-day to put them out,  water them in deeply, then cover the raised bed with season extension garden cover.

Inside in the Aerogarden:

Hopefully your Aerogarden herbs are doing great.  Let me know if you have any questions and feel free to send me some pics!  Any CCS teachers who need supplies should contact Katie.

Aerogarden has some great information on planting on their website.  CLICK HERE for their product manual website.

Click here for the Aerogarden planting guide for herbs –> herb_tending_and_harvesting_guide


Inside under LED lights.  

We should have Bok Choy growing under the lights right now.

  • Make sure you bottom water your seedlings as needed, and especially check on Friday before you leave for the weekend.
  • Make sure you fertilize according to the label directions.  This is the pink crystal fertilizer from Katie, not the same as the Aerogarden.

Do you need a refresher on bottom watering!  Here you go!

Are you getting ready to harvest?  Here is a video for safe harvest and storage.

Let me know what questions you have!  Make sure you engage your kiddos in the process. Looking forward to a wonderful Ag in the Classroom season!

Want to see what others are doing?  Check out the Columbus City School gardens at ccs_growing_teachers on Insta!

School Garden Week of November 11th, 2024

I want to thank all of our Veterans who sacrificed to keep our country safe. Thank You!

This is a weekly look at what is happening in the school garden to assist teacher educators engage their students in agriculture.  It can be used by garden students of all ages however!

Have you been using the Growing Teachers Throughout the Seasons guidebook to assist you with your growing?


Want to learn what Growing Teachers Throughout the Seasons (GTS) is?  Check out the Guidebook HERE and the 20 Online Modules HERE!  It is a great way for a teacher to learn how to engage their kiddos in agriculture in a data driven and teacher tested method based on the academic calendar. 

Outside in the raised beds:

There are some tasks we are looking to get started outdoors this week if possible.  Some action items for those who are using GTS:

  • If you did not get a chance to plant spinach and kale seeds last week, I recommend you get them planted this week so we can get some good germination and early growth before the winter.
  • Make sure to water the seed bed until your seeds germinate.  Kale germinates quickly, usually in a few days, spinach can easily take a week until you see germination.
  • Make sure you have your season extension garden cover and low tunnels good to go as we need them for the cold overnights. I recommend you use the cover this entire week and likely for the rest of the winter. 
  • If you planted last week, you should see some germination.   Make sure to go outside to the raised beds and give the plants a good watering at the beginning of the week and again on Friday before you leave for the weekend.
  • Otherwise we have some good growing weather this week!
  • You may be getting a harvest now,  Send me pics of your produce!! Make sure to let the season extension garden cover thaw before you try to open the cover to water or to harvest. Around mid-day is best.  Then replace the cover. 

I got some questions about the hardening off process.  There is a great video that I linked below, in the online GTS modules.

If you have any transplants that need to go outside,  wait until mid-day to put them out,  water them in deeply, then cover the raised bed with season extension garden cover.

Inside in the Aerogarden:

Hopefully your Aerogarden herbs are doing great.  Let me know if you have any questions and feel free to send me some pics!  Any CCS teachers who need supplies should contact Katie.

Aerogarden has some great information on planting on their website.  CLICK HERE for their product manual website.

Click here for the Aerogarden planting guide for herbs –> herb_tending_and_harvesting_guide


Inside under LED lights.  

We should have Bok Choy growing under the lights right now.

Make sure you have all of the pots, seed starting mix, lights, cord and timers needed for indoor planting.    I have a video below that will help you with direct sowing seeds in pots.

  • Even though the video shows kale being planted, the technique is the same for bok choy.
  • Remove the humidity dome after germination.
  • Thin to one seedling per pot as shown in the video.

Are you getting ready to harvest?  Here is a video for safe harvest and storage.

Let me know what questions you have!  Make sure you engage your kiddos in the process. Looking forward to a wonderful Ag in the Classroom season!

Want to see what others are doing?  Check out the Columbus City School gardens at ccs_growing_teachers on Insta!

School Garden Week of November 4th, 2024

This is a weekly look at what is happening in the school garden to assist teacher educators engage their students in agriculture.  It can be used by garden students of all ages however!

Have you been using the Growing Teachers Throughout the Seasons guidebook to assist you with your growing?


Want to learn what Growing Teachers Throughout the Seasons (GTS) is?  Check out the Guidebook HERE and the 20 Online Modules HERE!  It is a great way for a teacher to learn how to engage their kiddos in agriculture in a data driven and teacher tested method based on the academic calendar. 

Outside in the raised beds:

There are some tasks we are looking to get started outdoors this week if possible.  Some action items for those who are using GTS:

  • Make sure that you have your seed for spinach and kale as those can be planted this week.
  • Make sure you have your season extension garden cover and low tunnels good to go as we need them for the cold overnights.

I got some questions about the hardening off process.  There is a great video that I linked below, in the online GTS modules.

This Week Outdoors

  • We have not gotten much rain at all in the past couple of weeks and we have the return of warm weather.  Make sure to go outside to the raised beds and give the plants a good watering at the beginning of the week and again on Friday before you leave for the weekend.
  • Otherwise we have some good growing weather this week!
  • You may be getting a harvest now,  Send me pics of your produce!!
  • I recommend you use season extension garden cover this week, we have some colder nights in the forecast. 


If you have any transplants that need to go outside,  wait until mid-day to put them out,  water them in deeply, then cover the raised bed with season extension garden cover.

Here is a quick and engaging video with information on best varieties to seed or plant directly. Check out the hardening off video above if you have questions about that.

Inside in the Aerogarden:

Hopefully your Aerogarden herbs are doing great.  Let me know if you have any questions and feel free to send me some pics!  Any CCS teachers who need supplies should contact Katie.

Aerogarden has some great information on planting on their website.  CLICK HERE for their product manual website.

Click here for the Aerogarden planting guide for herbs –> herb_tending_and_harvesting_guide


Inside under LED lights.  

Our November Seed Starting is going to be 


Make sure you have all of the pots, seed starting mix, lights, cord and timers needed for indoor planting.  We can direct sow cilantro in 2″ pots for either growing and harvesting indoors or for transplanting outdoors.  I have a video below that will help you with direct sowing seeds in pots.

  • Even though the video shows kale being planted, the technique is the same for bok choy.
  • Remove the humidity dome after germination.
  • Thin to one seedling per pot as shown in the video.

Are you getting ready to harvest?  Here is a video for safe harvest and storage.

Let me know what questions you have!  Make sure you engage your kiddos in the process. Looking forward to a wonderful Ag in the Classroom season!

Want to see what others are doing?  Check out the Columbus City School gardens at ccs_growing_teachers on Insta!

Home Hydroponics Class at the Urban Farm Church on Wednesday November 13th, 2024 at 6pm

Home Hydroponics is one of the most popular classes I get asked to teach.  I get lots of questions from clients on this topic including what can I grow, what kind of lights do I need, how does this system work.  It can be a little bewildering but the benefits are amazing!  All this will be addressed at The Urban Farm Church on 11/13 at 6pm.  This class is free and open to the public but does require registration (so they know how many snacks to make!) so bring your friends and your questions!  If the weather is nice we can do a little garden walk too!

Table top unit growing eight heads of lettuce in less than a month!

CLICK HERE to Register

You can learn more about The Urban Farm Church HERE plus find directions to the class (lots of free parking!) HERE

School Garden Week of October 28th, 2024

This is a weekly look at what is happening in the school garden to assist teacher educators engage their students in agriculture.  It can be used by garden students of all ages however!

Have you been using the Growing Teachers Throughout the Seasons guidebook to assist you with your growing?


Want to learn what Growing Teachers Throughout the Seasons (GTS) is?  Check out the Guidebook HERE and the 20 Online Modules HERE!  It is a great way for a teacher to learn how to engage their kiddos in agriculture in a data driven and teacher tested method based on the academic calendar. 



Outside in the raised beds:

There are some tasks we are looking to get started outdoors this week if possible.  Some action items for those who are using GTS:

  • Make sure that you have your seed for spinach and kale as those will be planted soon.
  • Make sure you have your season extension garden cover and low tunnels good to go as we need them for the cold overnights.


This Week Outdoors

  • We have not gotten much rain at all in the past couple of weeks and we have the return of warm weather.  Make sure to go outside to the raised beds and give the plants a good watering at the beginning of the week and again on Friday before you leave for the weekend.
  • Otherwise we have some good growing weather this week!
  • You may be getting a harvest now,  Send me pics of your produce!!
  • You may or may not need to cover with season extension garden cover during the week, but I do recommend you use the season extension garden cover for the upcoming weekend based on the forecast.


If you have any transplants that need to go outside,  wait until mid-day to put them out,  water them in deeply, then cover the raised bed with season extension garden cover.

Here is a quick and engaging video with information on best varieties to seed or plant directly.

Inside in the Aerogarden:

Hopefully your Aerogarden herbs are doing great.  Let me know if you have any questions and feel free to send me some pics!  Any CCS teachers who need supplies should contact Katie.

Aerogarden has some great information on planting on their website.  CLICK HERE for their product manual website.

Click here for the Aerogarden planting guide for herbs –> herb_tending_and_harvesting_guide


Inside under LED lights.  

Our November Seed Starting is going to be 


Make sure you have all of the pots, seed starting mix, lights, cord and timers needed for indoor planting.  We can direct sow cilantro in 2″ pots for either growing and harvesting indoors or for transplanting outdoors.  I have a video below that will help you with direct sowing seeds in pots.

  • Even though the video shows kale being planted, the technique is the same for bok choy.
  • Remove the humidity dome after germination.
  • Thin to one seedling per pot as shown in the video.

Are you getting ready to harvest?  Here is a video for safe harvest and storage.

Let me know what questions you have!  Make sure you engage your kiddos in the process. Looking forward to a wonderful Ag in the Classroom season!

Want to see what others are doing?  Check out the Columbus City School gardens at ccs_growing_teachers on Insta!

School Garden Week of October 14th, 2024

This is a weekly look at what is happening in the school garden to assist teacher educators engage their students in agriculture.  It can be used by garden students of all ages however!

Have you been using the Growing Teachers Throughout the Seasons guidebook to assist you with your growing?


There is a ton of information in the guidebook but also in the 20 Online Modules including kid-friendly videos to assist you with your indoor and outdoor planning.  The online modules are free and easy to use and include a new Introductory Video that walks you through the GTS process.  Click to access the Online Modules. 

Pull out the season extension garden cover this week!  We have some chilly nights!!


Outside in the raised beds:

There are some tasks we are looking to get started outdoors this week if possible.  Some action items for those who are using GTS:

Want to learn what Growing Teachers Throughout the Seasons (GTS) is?  Check out the Guidebook HERE and the 20 Online Modules HERE!  It is a great way for a teacher to learn how to engage their kiddos in agriculture in a data driven and teacher tested method based on the academic calendar. 

This Week Outdoors

  • You can plant seeds outdoors any day this week. Make sure to water until germination plus on Friday before you leave. I would wait until about mid-day to plant if you are going to do so, then I would water the seeds in, and cover the seed bed with the season extension garden cover due to our cold nights this week. 
  • You may be getting a harvest now,  Send me pics of your produce!!
  • Our September planting outdoors was radishes, peas, and cilantro.  I still recommend you plant radishes and cilantro if you have not had a chance, peas probably will not have enough time to mature.  Make sure to water them until they germinate and to thin them.  Check out the GTS modules for a thinning video to help you with this.  Or watch it right here:

If you have any transplants that need to go outside,  wait until mid-day to put them out,  water them in deeply, then cover the raised bed with season extension garden cover.

Here is a quick and engaging video with information on best varieties to seed or plant directly.

Inside in the Aerogarden:

Hopefully your Aerogarden herbs are doing great.  Let me know if you have any questions and feel free to send me some pics!  Any CCS teachers who need supplies should contact Katie.

Aerogarden has some great information on planting on their website.  CLICK HERE for their product manual website.

Click here for the Aerogarden planting guide for herbs –> herb_tending_and_harvesting_guide


Inside under LED lights.  

Our October Seed Starting is Bok Choy and it needs to be started right away.  Check out the seed starting video below which uses kale, but works the exact same for Bok Choy.


Make sure you have all of the pots, seed starting mix, lights, cord and timers needed for indoor planting.  We can direct sow cilantro in 2″ pots for either growing and harvesting indoors or for transplanting outdoors.  I have a video below that will help you with direct sowing seeds in pots.

  • Even though the video shows kale being planted, the technique is the same for bok choy.
  • Remove the humidity dome after germination.
  • Thin to one seedling per pot as shown in the video.

Are you getting ready to harvest?  Here is a video for safe harvest and storage.

Let me know what questions you have!  Make sure you engage your kiddos in the process. Looking forward to a wonderful Ag in the Classroom season!

Want to see what others are doing?  Check out the Columbus City School gardens at ccs_growing_teachers on Insta!

School Garden Week of October 7th, 2024

This is a weekly look at what is happening in the school garden to assist teacher educators engage their students in agriculture.  It can be used by garden students of all ages however!

Have you been using the Growing Teachers Throughout the Seasons guidebook to assist you with your growing?


There is a ton of information in the guidebook but also in the 20 Online Modules including kid-friendly videos to assist you with your indoor and outdoor planning.  The online modules are free and easy to use and include a new Introductory Video that walks you through the GTS process.  Click to access the Online Modules. 

Let’s take a look at this week’s weather. Looks like we have no rain predicted so we need to make sure to water the plants at least twice per week, making sure to water on Friday before the weekend.


Outside in the raised beds:

There are some tasks we are looking to get started outdoors this week if possible.  Some action items for those who are using GTS:

Want to learn what Growing Teachers Throughout the Seasons (GTS) is?  Check out the Guidebook HERE and the 20 Online Modules HERE!  It is a great way for a teacher to learn how to engage their kiddos in agriculture in a data driven and teacher tested method based on the academic calendar. 

This Week Outdoors

  • You can plant seeds outdoors any day this week. Make sure to water until germination plus on Friday before you leave. 
  • While it is getting a little chilly this week overnight,  we should be fine with our cold tolerant plants and not need to cover them.  I do recommend you make sure you have your season extension garden cover ready to go as we will use it soon enough!
  • You may be getting a harvest now,  Send me pics of your produce!!
  • Our September planting outdoors was radishes, peas, and cilantro.  I still recommend you plant radishes and cilantro if you have not had a chance, peas probably will not have enough time to mature.  Make sure to water them until they germinate and to thin them.  Check out the GTS modules for a thinning video to help you with this.  Or watch it right here:

For CCS teachers if you need soil, seeds, or fertilizer let Katie know.

If you did not cover your raised bed make sure to remove all the weeds in the bed before you start!

Do you need to get raised beds started and want to learn how to do that?  I made a quick little video to walk you through the process.


Here is a quick and engaging video with information on best varieties to seed or plant directly.

Inside in the Aerogarden:

It is time to get some herbs started in the Aerogarden! Make sure you have seed pods and fertilizer.  Any CCS teachers who need supplies should contact Katie.

Aerogarden has some great information on planting on their website.  CLICK HERE for their product manual website.

Click here for the Aerogarden planting guide for herbs –> herb_tending_and_harvesting_guide


Inside under LED lights.  

Our October Seed Starting is Bok Choy and it needs to be started right away.  Check out the seed starting video below which uses kale, but works the exact same for Bok Choy.


Make sure you have all of the pots, seed starting mix, lights, cord and timers needed for indoor planting.  We can direct sow cilantro in 2″ pots for either growing and harvesting indoors or for transplanting outdoors.  I have a video below that will help you with direct sowing seeds in pots.

  • Even though the video shows kale being planted, the technique is the same for bok choy.
  • Remove the humidity dome after germination.
  • Thin to one seedling per pot as shown in the video.

Are you getting ready to harvest?  Here is a video for safe harvest and storage.

Let me know what questions you have!  Make sure you engage your kiddos in the process. Looking forward to a wonderful Ag in the Classroom season!

Want to see what others are doing?  Check out the Columbus City School gardens at ccs_growing_teachers on Insta!

School Garden Week of September 30th, 2024

This is a weekly look at what is happening in the school garden to assist teacher educators engage their students in agriculture.  It can be used by garden students of all ages however!

Have you been using the Growing Teachers Throughout the Seasons guidebook to assist you with your growing?


There is a ton of information in the guidebook but also in the 20 Online Modules including kid-friendly videos to assist you with your indoor and outdoor planning.  The online modules are free and easy to use and include a new Introductory Video that walks you through the GTS process.  Click to access the Online Modules. 

Well, how about that rain!  Your outdoor plantings in the raised beds got a much needed drink.  Hopefully they are thriving.  Send me some pictures!


Outside in the raised beds:

There are some tasks we are looking to get started outdoors this week if possible.  Some action items for those who are using GTS:

Want to learn what Growing Teachers Throughout the Seasons (GTS) is?  Check out the Guidebook HERE and the 20 Online Modules HERE!  It is a great way for a teacher to learn how to engage their kiddos in agriculture in a data driven and teacher tested method based on the academic calendar. 

This Week Outdoors

  • You can plant seeds outdoors any day this week. We had good rain on already planted seedlings, but if you still need to plant,  make sure you water on Friday before you leave for the weekend.
  • Our September planting outdoors is radishes, peas, and cilantro.  I still recommend you plant them if you have not had a chance,  you can enjoy them next month.  Make sure to water them until they germinate and to thin them.  Check out the GTS modules for a thinning video to help you with this.  Or watch it right here:

For CCS teachers if you need soil, seeds, or fertilizer let Katie know.

If you did not cover your raised bed make sure to remove all the weeds in the bed before you start!

Do you need to get raised beds started and want to learn how to do that?  I made a quick little video to walk you through the process.


Here is a quick and engaging video with information on best varieties to seed or plant directly.

Inside in the Aerogarden:

It is time to get some herbs started in the Aerogarden! Make sure you have seed pods and fertilizer.  Any CCS teachers who need supplies should contact Katie.

Aerogarden has some great information on planting on their website.  CLICK HERE for their product manual website.

Click here for the Aerogarden planting guide for herbs –> herb_tending_and_harvesting_guide


Inside under LED lights.  

Make sure you have all of the pots, seed starting mix, lights, cord and timers needed for indoor planting.  We can direct sow cilantro in 2″ pots for either growing and harvesting indoors or for transplanting outdoors.  I have a video below that will help you with direct sowing seeds in pots.

  • Even though the video shows kale being planted, the technique is the same for cilantro.
  • Remove the humidity dome after germination.
  • Thin to one seedling per pot as shown in the video.

Are you getting ready to harvest?  Here is a video for safe harvest and storage.

Let me know what questions you have!  Make sure you engage your kiddos in the process. Looking forward to a wonderful Ag in the Classroom season!

Want to see what others are doing?  Check out the Columbus City School gardens at ccs_growing_teachers on Insta!

School Garden Week of September 3rd, 2024

This is a weekly look at what is happening in the school garden to assist teacher educators engage their students in agriculture.  It can be used by garden students of all ages however!

Welcome Back!!  I am excited to get started growing with you and your kiddos.

Let’s check out the forecast.


A great week to plant with rain coming over the weekend to assist germination.


Outside in the raised beds:

There are some tasks we are looking to get started outdoors this week if possible.  Some action items for those who are using GTS:

Want to learn what Growing Teachers Throughout the Seasons (GTS) is?  Check out the Guidebook HERE and the 20 Online Modules HERE!  It is a great way for a teacher to learn how to engage their kiddos in agriculture in a data driven and teacher tested method based on the academic calendar. 


  1. Uncover your raised bed by removing the black plastic  if you covered the beds over the summer.  Add soil if needed to bring the level up.
  2. Save the black plastic!  Fold it up and store it for use at the end of May next year.
  3. Add some fertilizer according to the label on the package.
  4. For GTS we are planting radishes, cilantro, and peas outdoors in the raised bed.  Other veggies that could be seeded if you have the seeds would be leafy greens, carrots, and green onions.
  5. Plant according to seed size.  We plant seeds about 3 times as deep as the seeds are large.  Radish and cilantro seeds are tiny so they are planted only about 1/4 inch deep. Peas are larger so they are planted about 1 inch deep.
  6. Make sure to thin your seedlings when they come up so that they end up about 3-4 inches apart.
  7. Water as needed, but likely once or twice a week based on rain until harvest.

For CCS teachers if you need soil, seeds, or fertilizer let Katie know.

If you did not cover your raised bed make sure to remove all the weeds in the bed before you start!

Do you need to get raised beds started and want to learn how to do that?  I made a quick little video to walk you through the process.


Here is a quick and engaging video with information on best varieties to seed or plant directly.

Inside in the Aerogarden:

It is time to get some herbs started in the Aerogarden! Make sure you have seed pods and fertilizer.  Any CCS teachers who need supplies should contact Katie.

Aerogarden has some great information on planting on their website.  CLICK HERE for their product manual website.

Click here for the Aerogarden planting guide for herbs –> herb_tending_and_harvesting_guide


Inside under LED lights.  

Make sure you have all of the pots, seed starting mix, lights, cord and timers needed for indoor planting.  We can direct sow cilantro in 2″ pots for either growing and harvesting indoors or for transplanting outdoors.  I have a video below that will help you with direct sowing seeds in pots.

  • Even though the video shows kale being planted, the technique is the same for cilantro.
  • Remove the humidity dome after germination.
  • Thin to one seedling per pot as shown in the video.

Let me know what questions you have!  Make sure you engage your kiddos in the process. Looking forward to a wonderful Ag in the Classroom season!


Want to grow at home this Fall?  You are supported not only in your school but in your backyard or community garden space as well.  I did a video in collaboration with The Nature Conservancy on Fall growing you may be interested in.