Tomatoes 101 Class at the Mt. Carmel Healthy Living Center @ 3pm on Tuesday June 18th.

I will be teaching an in-person class on Tomatoes 101 in collaboration with my friends at the Mt. Carmel Healthy Living Center at 3pm on Tuesday June 18th.  The class is free and open to the public, but does require registration,  see the link below.  We will talk fertilization, pruning, and trellising so bring your friends and your questions!

The class is free but does require registration.  CLICK HERE for the link to the registration page for the Tomatoes 101 and other classes.

The Mt. Carmel Healthy Living Center is located at 777 W. State St. Columbus, OH 43222.  Free parking is available on site.  Hope to see you there!

If you cannot make the class,  I have a recorded webinar that you can watch whenever you want to learn more about growing healthy tomatoes.

2 thoughts on “Tomatoes 101 Class at the Mt. Carmel Healthy Living Center @ 3pm on Tuesday June 18th.

  1. My cherry tomatoes have almost reached the limit of the Aero Garden but still do not have ant blossoms. Should I just move the plants outdoors?

    • Greetings sir. Thank you for reaching out to Extension. I recommend you prune your Aerogarden tomatoes to keep them under the light canopy and they should flower and fruit at some point. If you place them outside I think the deer will eat them all.

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