School Garden Week of October 31st, 2022

This is a weekly look at what is happening in the school garden to assist teacher educators engage their students in agriculture.  It can be used by garden students of all ages however!

Happy Halloween.  Here is hoping for a safe and happy trick or treating experience tonight for the kiddoes.

I get lots of questions about the hardiness zones for plants for central Ohio.  The map has recently been updated.  Here is the new USDA Hardiness zone map:

Here is the map magnified to Ohio:

The map is interactive.  If you would like to access the map CLICK HERE.


Outside in the raised beds:

I have been getting questions about what can still be planted outside.  You can still direct seed spinach, kale, and cilantro right now and water daily until you get good germination.  Cover the beds before you leave on Friday.  This is a good week to thin your baby seedlings if they got planted too thick.  Water a few hours before you thin in order to make it easier to pull the extras. We had a little rain overnight but are still pretty dry.  Our only chance of rain on the 10-day is next Sunday.  Make sure to keep watering your seedlings or new transplants as needed.  For season extension this week.  You can leave row cover alone covering your plants no problem.  For plastic cover, you may need to uncover this week at some points.  The weekly forecast calls for cloudy, but warm.  If it gets sunny and warm it can overheat.

Inside under LED lights:

You can still plant lettuce and bok choi under LED lights for maturation indoors or potential transplanting out under season extension.  Do you have seedling ready to get planted or are getting close?  Check out this video to get you started seed starting:

Check out this video to get you started transplanting:

Inside in the Aerogarden:

You can still start lettuce and herbs in the Aerogarden.  The Aerogarden website has a tremendous amount of content to assist with maintenance of the units, troubleshooting problems, or how to take care of the plants in the system.  CHECK IT OUT if you are having problems.

You are also welcome to email me with any questions at

School Garden Week of October 24th, 2022

This is a weekly look at what is happening in the school garden to assist teacher educators engage their students in agriculture.  It can be used by garden students of all ages however!

We have a warm start to the week this week.  I recommend uncovering any beds that have season extension over them.


If you have just recently planted or are going to plant in the next couple of days I would make sure to water your baby seedlings.  We do have a chance of rain on Wednesday but we are still pretty dry out there and the 10 day does not have a bunch of rain in the forecast.

Outside in the raised beds:

I have been getting questions about what can still be planted outside.  You can still direct seed spinach, kale, and cilantro right now and water daily until you get good germination. You can keep your raised beds uncovered this week,  we do not have big cold coming.  Cover the beds before you leave on Friday.  This is a good week to thin your baby seedlings if they got planted too thick.  Water a few hours before you thin in order to make it easier to pull the extras.

Inside under LED lights:

You can still plant lettuce and bok choi under LED lights for maturation indoors or potential transplanting out under season extension.  Do you have seedling ready to get planted or are getting close?  Check out this video to get you started:

Inside in the Aerogarden:

You can still start lettuce and herbs in the Aerogarden.  Their website has great care instructions if needed for the seed pod crops.


As always, feel free to email me with any questions.

School Garden Week of October 17th, 2022

This is a weekly look at what is happening in the school garden to assist teacher educators engage their students in agriculture.  It can be used by garden students of all ages however!

Seeds are coming up!  I had an opportunity to plant with 100 third grade gardeners at Summit Rd. Elementary a couple weeks back and we have some serious germination.

Photo credit: C. Comer

The spinach is coming up which I am happy for as it is a finicky germinator.  The lettuce is coming up thick!


Photo credit: C. Comer.

This lettuce is pretty closely planted.  It needs some thinning.  It should be watered a few hours prior and then thinned.   A great job for student gardeners.  I recommend spacing to about 3 inches, which is approximated by the length of an elementary pointer finger for reference for students.  If you paper towel planted, you are spaced already.

If you have not yet direct seeded in the garden you can still plant many things: spinach, kale, lettuce, carrots, bok choi, and cilantro would all do fine planted now.  The soil temperatures at Waterman Farm here on campus, found at this link (plus the other research stations across the state) shows we are at mid-50’s right now, which is fine for cool season planting.



We have some cold nights coming up.  I recommend that you cover your new plantings outside with row cover or plastic overnight this week.  Row cover should be fine to leave in place during the day but you may need to vent plastic during the day as it may become too hot under it if it gets sunny.  

For indoor planting you can plant lettuce, bok choi, kale, or other leafy greens under the LED lights for potential transplanting or sending home with the students.  For your Aerogarden, you can still start leafy greens and herbs now.  If you get to winter break and you have good growth in your hydroponic systems, the smaller systems can be taken home and plugged in to continue to provide a harvest.  For any questions regarding your school growing feel free to email me at


School Garden Week of October 10th, 2022

This is a weekly look at what is happening in the school garden to assist teacher educators engage their students in agriculture.  It can be used by garden students of all ages however!

After our cold snap this past weekend we have a warm start to the week.  Below is the weather prediction for October made on September 30th.

This shows we will likely have normal temperatures and precipitation for the rest of the month.


When I look out at the rest of the fall,  it shows a greater chance of warm weather,  which should help our fall planted crops mature faster to get a harvest for the kiddos.


Soil temperatures are about 55 degrees in central Ohio right now and will stay that way through the weekend.  That means you can still plant numerous crops in the school garden outdoors this week.  I recommend that you direct seed lettuce, spinach, kale and other leafy brassicas, radishes, bok choy, cilantro, and carrots this week.  If you have some other seed or questions about planting,  send them to me at

We have a little more time for spinach and kale if you cannot get them in this week.  If you planted last week then keep watering the seeds until you get germination and then once or twice a week based on rainfall.

Indoors under LED lights you can start lettuce, kale, and bok choy for transplanting outdoors later or for an indoor harvest.  If you want a refresher on seed starting check out this super quick and engaging Seed Starting Video.


If you have more time and really want a deep dive into Seed Starting,  check out this recorded class webinar.


In your Aerogarden or other hydroponic systems, if you have not planted yet you can still start your herbs like your basil now.  They should germinate and get started growing soon.  Make sure to follow the instructions carefully.  CLICK HERE for a link to Aerogarden herb care. 

If you have any questions let me know.  You are supported in your growing.  Email me at



High Tunnel Soil Borne Disease Testing

We have numerous high tunnels in Franklin County at both community gardens and urban farms.  USDA ARS (Agricultural Research Service) based in Wooster is now accepting samples for free to test the soil in high tunnels for the presence of soil borne disease.

CLICK HERE for the submission form and more information. –> Soil_submission_form_2022

Questions? Please contact Anna Testen, or 330-641-2862.

Composting 101

It is the time of year when Mother Nature provides a bounty of leaves that just need a little time to turn in to compost.  If you are not a composter and want to get started creating your own organic matter soil amendment then check out this recorded webinar that details the basics of Composting 101. You will be glad that you did!

Growing Over Winter Garden Walk at Greenway Community Garden on Wednesday October 5th @ 6pm.

You are invited to the Greenway Community Garden this Wednesday for a garden walk with some of my favorite people: The Growing and Growth Collective.  We will be talking about Growing Over Winter.  Lots to still plant but not alot of time to get those seeds and plants in the ground!  We will be talking season extension, cover crops, and what you can plant right NOW. This event is free and open to the public so bring your friends and your questions to The Greenway Community Garden at 1652 Greenway Ave. Columbus, OH 43203.  LINK TO MAP.