Growing Over Winter Virtual Class on 9/30 in Partnership with Grange Audubon Center

I will be speaking on Growing Over Winter in partnership with one of my favorite central Ohio places, the Grange Audubon Center.  This virtual event takes place at 6:30pm on Thursday September 30th.
Ohio is a four-season growing environment. Did you know with a little planning, wise variety choices, and a little season extension fabric you can harvest your own fresh vegetables from January to March.  No outdoor space available? We will also talk about indoor hydroponics and how you can grow indoors in the winter as well.
There is registration required.  Register at THIS LINK.
See you then!

2021-2022 Urban Gardening Grant RFP is Open!

The Urban Gardening Grant RFP is open.  This is a chance to get some funding to support your garden.  Make sure to read the application information carefully.

Grant applications are due by Friday October 29th, 2021


For more information on the grant check out the Columbus Foundation website.