2020 Master Urban Farmer Workshop Series

Registration is now open for the 2020 Ohio Master Urban Farmer Workshop Series.  For all questions contact Mike Hogan at Hogan.1@osu.edu


Click HERE to view, download or print the flyer –> 2020 MUF_Brochure

Good Agricultural Practices (GAP’s) Workshop on April 29th, 2020 at 7pm.

There will be a Good Agricultural Practices Workshop on Wednesday April 29th, 2020 at 7:00 pm here at the Extension office.  It is free and open to the public.

Click HERE to view, print or download the flyer –> GAP Workshop_4.29.20

EQIP Update for 2020 including March 20th Cut Off.

The Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP) 2020 application cutoff date has been set for March 20, 2020.  If any  producer would like to apply for this year’s EQIP, they will have till March 20, 2020 to completed an application.  Applications after the cutoff date will be consider for next year 2021.

CLICK HERE for the EQIP Website for background and details.

CLICK HERE to download the fact sheet –> NRCS-EQIP_FarmBill2018_Factsheet

CLICK HERE to download the form –> NRCS Blank_EQIP_CCC1200


Your contact for EQIP in Franklin County is Eli.  All his information is here:

Spring and Summer 2020 Gardening Events @ The Charles Madison Nabrit Memorial Garden

The Seed Starting Class on Thursday March 12 has been cancelled following University policy regarding the COVID-19 outbreak.


Lots of great events coming up at The Charles Madison Nabrit Memorial Garden including a town hall with FARMER BROWN THA MCCheck out his video! Free and open to the public, bring your friends and your questions.

Click HERE to view, print or download the flyer –> 2020 CMNMG ISA Schedule