Come and learn about our small ruminant friends. Free and open to the public.
Click HERE to view and print flyer –> Goat Workshop
Come and learn about our small ruminant friends. Free and open to the public.
Click HERE to view and print flyer –> Goat Workshop
Free classes to support the Buckeye ISA but open to the public. Bring your friends and your questions.
Click HERE to view and print flyer –> 2019 CMNMG ISA Spring Workshops
The class is free but they ask for registration if possible. Walk ins are also welcome. Bring your friends and your questions!
Click HERE for a copy of the flyer –> Gardening Year Round
A new factsheet has been added to Ohioline for the backyard poultry enthusiast to use to keep their flock healthy.
CLICK HERE to read or print the factsheet on Ohioline
There will be a free class on Backyard Poultry Production on March 6th, Click for details.
While these classes are to support the South Side community of The Buckeye ISA, they are free and open to the public so bring your friends and your questions. Families with children that want to grow their own food may be eligible to enroll in the Buckeye ISA and get materials and educational support.
Click HERE to print the flyer –> 2019 Spring Gardening SS ISA
The next week has a period of intense cold coming to central Ohio. Grower’s who planted spinach under low tunnels using row cover should make sure that they have a second layer of frost blanket covering the planting and that the row cover is weighted securely against wind shear.
While there is a good chance that a full harvest amount of spinach is present, we have not had a warm enough day to break the micro-climate to check. Be patient, there is usually a chance for a significant harvest in February.
The period of warm and wet weather we had earlier in winter provided a chance to get good growth on winter cover crops. If you were unable to get cover crops planted this year, as you make your 2019 planting plan, try to add cover crops into your rotation to keep a living cover on your ground. It adds organic matter, prevents soil erosion and builds fertility.
A mix of winter rye, forage radish, crimson clover and hairy vetch. This mix is cold hardy and will persist into spring, starting a period of intense growth when the weather warms up.
The winter rye mix will require intensive management in the spring.
This plot contains a mix of oats and Austrian winter peas. This mix is cold tolerant but not hardy. It should die following the upcoming period of intense cold. The residue will act as a ground cover protecting the soil that will incorporate easily into a seed bed via tillage in spring.
Right now is a good time to start seeds if you have a seed start station. You can start the following:
Central Ohio Weather Update
The three month forecast for temperature and precipitation is calling for colder and dryer than normal weather. There is a 65% of an El Nino weather phenomenon to form in spring. That will certainly affect backyard growers, community gardeners, and urban farmers in Central Ohio.
CLICK HERE for the NWS/NOAA Weather link.
Keep an eye on Growing Franklin for further updates as we progress through the growing season.
Click HERE for more information about the Community Garden Grants
Click HERE to print the flyer –> CommunityGardenGrant
Who can get their soil tested?
Community Gardens and Urban Farms in the City of Columbus or community gardens or farms that provide food to City of Columbus residents.
Click Here to print a copy of the flyer –> GardenSoilTesting
The first round of workshops to support the Buckeye ISA program to teach families with children how to grow their own food has been approved for release. All of these classes are free and open to the public so bring your friends and your questions.
Click Here for a PDF of the flyer to download –> 2019 Ag Lit ISA Spring Workshops