Stone Fruits

Peach Canker (2008)
      Peach canker is a fungal disease common on apricot, prune, plum, and sweet cherry trees as well as on peach trees. The fungi that causes this disease enter the plant through wounds and results in death weakened twigs and branches, and in reduced yields. (HYG-3005-08)

Peach Leaf Curl (2008)
      Leaf curl is a springtime disease that occurs on peach. The disease though not a problem every spring, can be severe during cool, wet springs that follow mild winters. (HYG-3006-08)

Brown Rot of Stone Fruits (2008)
     The disease is most important on fruits just before ripening, during and after harvest. Under favorable conditions for disease development, the entire crop can be completely rotted on the tree. Peaches not kept in cool storage may be rotted in two to three days by the fungus. (HYG-3009-08)

Black Knot of Plums and Cherries (2008)
     Black knot of plums and cherries is a widespread and serious disease throughout the United States. Black knot is a common disease in Ohio on wild plums and cherries and in home orchards where pruning and spraying are not regularly practiced. Figure 1. Hard, black galls caused by the black rot fungus on plum twigs. The disease becomes progressively worse during each growing season and unless effective control measures are taken, it can stunt or kill the tree. (HYG-3011-08)

Bacterial Spot of Stone Fruits (2008)
     Bacterial spot affects peaches, nectarines, apricots, plums, prunes, and cherries. Bacterial spot can affect leaves, twigs, and fruit. Severe infection results in reduced fruit quality and yield. (HYG-3019-08)

Scab of Peach, Nectarine, Plum, and Apricot (2008)
    Scab occurs throughout the Midwest, wherever peaches, nectarines, plums, and apricots are grown. The disease affects fruit, leaves, and young green twigs. Scab is most common in home orchards where fungicide spray programs are not practiced. (HYG-3020-08)

Cherry Leaf Spot (2008)
    Cherry leaf spot is one of the most serious diseases of both sweet and sour cherries in the Midwest. The disease mainly affects the leaves, but lesions may also appear on fruit, petioles, and fruit stems (pedicels). Diseased leaves drop prematurely, and severely affected trees may be defoliated by mid-summer. (HYG-3021-08)

X-Disease (Mycoplasma disease of Peaches and Nectarines) (2008)
X-disease has been diagnosed in several peach orchards in northern Ohio. Once the disease is established in an area or orchard, it can be very destructive. (HYG-3206-08)

Phytophthora Root and Crown Rot of Fruit Trees (2008)
    Phytophthora root and crown rots (sometimes called collar rot) are common and destructive diseases of fruit trees throughout the world. Above-ground symptoms vary between tree species, but generally include reduced tree vigor and growth, yellowing or chlorosis of leaves, and eventual collapse or death of the tree. (HYG-3029-08)


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