Evolution of Design

Stock AEV

Possible Designs

Design 1 – Alex
  • Pros: Wheels centered for stability, aerodynamic, center of weight in the middle
  • Cons: Potentially heavy because of extra pieces, potential safety hazard with battery on bottom

This design is a modification of the current AEV. The wings run the whole length of the AEV for slight protection, aerodynamics, and aesthetics.

Design 2 – Bradley
  • Pros: Balanced, relatively lightweight
  • Cons: Has potential safety issues with passenger cabin being open

Wings are angled up for balance purposes and for aesthetic design.

Design 3 – Youssef
  • Pros: Hood is a safe space for the battery, and design is aesthetic
  • Cons: Very bulky; has potential to be unstable.

This design is a simple design with an addition of an aerodynamic front cover. It’s relatively aesthetic and provides great protection to certain parts.

Design 4 – Nick
  • Pros: Balanced in the center, low drag, efficient.
  • Cons: Not visually appealing, battery would be a tight fit.

This design requires very few parts, which in turn reduces the weight. The simple design allows for easy maintenance and increases efficiency. In addition, the AEV is balanced around the center, making it very stable.

Team design

Design 5
  • Pros: Center balanced, compact, light weight, angled wings for extra stability
  • Cons: Battery is a tight fit, not visually appealing

Our team design is very simple and requires almost only the minimum parts, keeping it cost efficient. With the battery and Arduino on top of the AEV, it makes maintenance easy and quick to keep the AEV on schedule. Also, the wheels are centered on the AEV which makes it very stable.


Final Design