Track Variance


The goal of the track variance testing was to detect any differences between the four different tracks. Track variance was tested by running the AEV on all four tracks using the same code. The code was designed to run the motors until the vehicle reached the incline in each of the tracks and then shut off. After the motors shut off the AEV would coast up the incline.  Three runs were completed for each track. The graphs of power vs. distance for each of the three runs are shown below. The graphs show how far the vehicles traveled which shows how the inclines of the tracks compare to each other. The further the AEV traveled the less of an incline there was, and the shorter the AEV traveled the greater the incline. The group found that the purple track had the steepest incline and the blue track had the smallest incline.

*Click to enlarge images

Blue track

Green Track

Purple Track

Red Track

The Code used was:
