Performance Test 3

For the final performance test, the objective was again cumulative. The AEV had to get to the gate, wait for the gate to open and travel through, retrieve the caboose, and then bring the caboose back through the gate to its original starting point.

Battery power variation was still a problem causing codes to be adjusted slightly when new batteries were used for the runs. The 90° metal bracket connected the AEV to the caboose, but experienced issues connecting if the AEV is swaying when beginning the run. The final graded runs are shown below. They followed what was expected when looking at code A5 from the appendix. There are multiple power spikes when the AEV braked during the runs and the power drops to zero when the AEV coasts and sits still.

The final performance test brought all of the information from past labs and tests to use the most efficient code and AEV design to complete the task in the best way possible. A last minute change that took place was the addition of a second 90 degree bracket to make sure the AEV would attach to the caboose. It was noticed that the AEV sometimes bounced off of the caboose and this would ruin runs. Therefore the second bracket was added as a precautionary measure. After this was added the power output was continuously refined to achieve the lowest energy while still completing the run in a timely manner. After many trial and error runs to refine the code two final tested were completed without errors and a very efficient run time and energy.


 motorSpeed(2, 60);




 motorSpeed(1, 65);


 motorSpeed(4, 0);


 motorSpeed(2, 55);



 motorSpeed(4, 0);


 motorSpeed(1, 65);



 motorSpeed(2, 65);


 motorSpeed(4, 0);


 motorSpeed(1, 70);




 motorSpeed(2, 75);
