Final Test Design and Code

Focus Areas for Final Testing

Our final design was focused on being balanced and efficient. With everything centered on top of the AEV, it kept it very balanced as well as cheaper than the stock AEV. The final code was adapted from the first two performance tests and focused on consistency. It contains an auto-correction system that allowed the AEV to adjust for inconsistencies while stopping at the gate. Coasting was used wherever possible and the power level was kept low to ensure minimal power usage and cost.

Final Design


Final Code

// Performance Test Final Run

int sensorPos;


// track traveling ——————————————————————————–

reverse(4); // Reverse motors to start going forward

motorSpeed(4,39); // all motors 39% power

goToAbsolutePosition(157); // travel for about 6 feet

brake(4); goFor(5); // brake all motors for 5 seconds to coast and reach gate


// gate waiting ———————————————————————————–

sensorPos = 297;

if (getVehiclePostion() < sensorPos) { // If AEV hasnt reached sensor, give a little burst of power

motorSpeed(4,30); goFor(0.5);


double timeLapsed = 0.0;

bool motorsForward = true;

int power = 0;

double timeStep = 0.1;

while (timeLapsed <= 7.5){ // for 7 seconds, while waiting at gate

if (getVehiclePostion() > sensorPos + 3) { // if AEV passes the sensor, reverse

if (motorsForward == true) { // check motor direction


motorsForward = false;


power =  20;


else if (getVehiclePostion() < sensorPos – 3) { // if AEV reverses too far, go forward

if (motorsForward == false) { // check motor direction


motorsForward = true;


power =  20;


else { // dont move

power =  0;


motorSpeed(4, power); goFor(timeStep);

timeLapsed += timeStep;


brake(4); goFor(1);


if (motorsForward == false) { // check motor direction


motorsForward = true;



// track traveling ———————————————————————————-

motorSpeed(4,35); // all motors 35% power

goToAbsolutePosition(425); // travel to about the 18 foot mark

brake(4); goToAbsolutePosition(604); // coast until reach the caboose

reverse(4); //power brake

motorSpeed(4,30); goFor(0.75); // reverse to avoid slamming the caboose

brake(4); goFor(6); // wait for passengers to board caboose

motorSpeed(4,47); // head back to the gate

goToAbsolutePosition(485); // travel about 4 feet

brake(4); goFor(2.12); // travel about 2 seconds to coast to gate


// gate waiting time ————————————————————————-

reverse(4); // power brake

motorSpeed(4,50); goFor(1.25); // reverse to stop at gate

brake(4); goFor(7.25); // wait for gate to open

reverse(4); // continue forward


// track traveling —————————————————————————

motorSpeed(4,40); goFor(3.5); // continue through gate

brake(4); goFor(4); // coast until end of the track

reverse(4); // power brake

motorSpeed(4,40); goFor(0.75); // reverse to stop at end of track


// DONE!