FCCA Constitution changes to be considered at Annual Meeting and Banquet

Dear Fairfield County Cattlemen’s Association members,

Make plans to attend the Banquet & Annual Meeting.

As spring is quickly approaching, I hope you’re all looking forward to even better weather and a great calving season. With that said, I want to take a minute and share with you updates to the our Constitution you will be asked to vote on during the upcoming Banquet and Annual Meeting on March 9.

Following much discussion at previous meetings, during our February 6, 2024 Fairfield County Cattlemen’s Association (FCCA) Director’s meeting the Directors discussed specific updates to the FCCA Constitution that was last amended during the March 10, 2004 Banquet and Annual meeting. On the four PDF pages linked below are changes to the Constitution being proposed to you, the membership, for adoption during our March 9, 2024 Banquet and Annual meeting.

As you review the proposed changes, language being proposed for removal from the Constitution has been lined out, and language proposed to be added is highlighted in YELLOW.

During the Annual Meeting on the 9th the membership will be asked to vote individually, for or against, the changes you find linked below in Articles I thru IV of the FCCA Constitution.

The Directors believe these changes will more clearly provide guidance for the FCCA organization now and into the future and allow the leadership of the organization to help the membership fulfill the mission of the FCCA.

If you have questions, please reach out to any of the Directors that can be found listed in the Director’s link above.

I hope to see you at the 35th annual Banquet and Meeting on March 9th at the United Methodist Church in Lithopolis as we come together to celebrate beef! Please make your banquet reservations before Monday by going to https://go.osu.edu/fccabanquet

Also, if you or someone you know would like to become more involved in the leadership of FCCA and perhaps run for a Director position, or volunteer in the Steak Trailer this fall, please let me know.


Jeremy Whitehead

Article I            Article II            Article III            Article IV