The Fair, Upcoming Events, Deadlines & Congratulations!

Congratulations FCCA on being named the 2020 Outstanding Ohio County Cattlemen’s Organization

FCCA members and area cattlemen and women . . . hopefully you’ve successfully concluded a safe and productive harvest, the cows are preg checked (or getting bred if you’re a fall calver), and you have enough high quality feed for winter!

We wanted to get an update out to you with regard to the Fair, and other activities, events and programs on the horizon.

Fairfield County Jr. Beef Show & Fair Livestock Sale: It’s a pleasure to report that beef numbers were up again this year. Fifty four youth exhibited a total of 67 market steers and heifers, feeder calf numbers were up slightly, and breeding beef numbers were stable. This is the most since 2007, and many are anticipating even higher numbers next year. And, the Jr Fair Livestock Sale was a success. Due in part to the support of the FCCA, no market beef animal sold for less than $1000 premium in the sale. FCCA purchased two calves, plus, added $25 on to each market beef exhibitor’s sale price at a total cost of $3450 to FCCA.

“Beef Families Care” Grant sends beef to local food pantries: At their pre-Fair FCCA Board meeting in September, the Directors voted to participate in the Beef Families Care cost-share program that is providing ground beef to local food pantries. FCCA provided $300 that was combined with donations of $300 from the local Blue Ribbon Showmen 4-H Club, $300 from OSU’s Ohio Collegiate Cattle Club, and $393 that was donated in the Continue reading The Fair, Upcoming Events, Deadlines & Congratulations!