Cattleman’s Summer Picnic!

Make plans now to join us for a late summer cattleman’s picnic on Saturday, August 17. This is a joint effort of Ohio’s Shorthorn breeders and the Fairfield County Cattleman’s Association. The whole family is invited! Hosted by the Logsdon family at Foster Farms (6355 Julian Road, Amanda), this will be an opportunity to relax and visit with not only local cattlemen, but also other cattlemen from across Ohio.

Fellowship will begin at noon with lunch served at 1 p.m. Meat, drink and paper products will be provided . . . all you need to bring is a covered dish or desert to share, and your lawn chair.

As you know all too well, hay quality became a huge concern for cattlemen last winter. Considering the weather we experienced this spring, early indications are that overall hay quality is even worse this year. Shortly after lunch, Stan Smith from OSU Extension will take a look at some recently analyzed local hay samples and lead a discussion concerning forage quality, and management strategies to survive another winter with low quality and limited hay supplies.

Please let us know you will be attending with your RSVP by the 14th to, ph: 740-277-4633, or, ph: 740-503-3470. Questions? Don’t hesitate to contact any of your FCCA Directors.

Make plans now to enjoy an afternoon of fellowship with other cattlemen like yourselves!

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