Again this year our local cattlemen will be working a shift (or more if there’s enough interested!) in the Cattlemen’s Beef Stand at the Ohio State Fair. This year the group will be volunteering in the Food Pavilion location on August 7 beginning at 10:30 a.m. and working until 3 p.m. Those who participate will receive a free ticket to the Fair, and lunch. After the shift, you will have time to catch some of the Junior Beef Showmanship that will be going on that day in the Voinovich Center.
If you’d enjoy sharing a day at the State Fair with fellow cattlemen, promoting the product that you raise, contact Marcy Love (614-989-3468) or Stan Smith at the OSU Extension office (740-652-7265). We only need 6 per shift, so reserve your slot today. If there is sufficient interest, we’ll volunteer for a second shift!
Below is part of the FCCA crew that worked at last year’s Ohio State Fair. Nobody can promote your product like those who raise it can!