Lab 2 – External Sensors + System Analysis 1


The main focus of this lab was to install and become familiar with sensors on the AEV. The group installed reflection sensors that were then later test for basic function. One of the main purposes was to be able to program for direction. A sensor allows the Arduino board to record reflections, off the rotating wheel, as marks. These marks can be used with specific program commands to assist the vehicle to stop, change speed, or direction of rotation for the propeller. These command functions built of  Week 1s commands. Different scenarios were given along with example code in the manual to become familiar with the AEVs modification.  The new functions expand the AEVs abilities to do more tasks. The modification to the AEV were done by hand by lab members.



  1. Senors broaden AEV’s programmable function abilities to stopping, speed, and propeller direction
  2. goToRelativeposition(m): used to indicate direction and distance (marks travelled) from current position
  3. goToAbsouletPosition: continues previous command until travelled certain distance
  4. Propeller 3030 ran at 12% was the most efficient propeller  (wind tunnel test)
  5. A different power % (around 35%) supply was needed to actually move AEV


Here’s the progress report for Lab 02: Lab 02 Progress Report