
Meeting # 1

Date: 4 – Feb – 2017

Time: 12:30 pm to 4:00pm (Face-to-Face)

Members Present: Grant Fricke, Sayadat Sajid, Colin Melick, & Ashley Lichtenberg

Topics Discussed: Week 2 Progress Report



The main focus of today’s meeting was to discuss, work on, and finish Week 3 Lab 4 Progress Report.


To do/Action Items:

Complete Week 3 Lab 4 Progress Report


– Propeller 3030 puller will be used on the AEV



-The group gained an understanding of allotting enough time to finish progress reports -Progress Reports should be worked on as early as possible to allow time for any questions to be answered



Meeting # 2

Date: 07 – Feb – 2017

Time: 8:00 pm (Face-to-Face)

Members Present: Grant Fricke, Colin Melick, &  Ashley Lichtenberg

Topics Discussed: Week 3 Progress Report



The main focus of today’s meeting was to discuss the design of our AEV along with completing the Week 1 Progress Report.


To do/Action Items:

-Decide on AEV design

-Finish Week 3 Lab 4 Progress Report



The group decided

– to put the battery on the side of the L arm

– to make the base one solid piece

– to make the AEV as compact and as light as possible



-The group gained an understanding of the importance coming prepared with individual work completed

-Sayadat was unable to be present during the meeting, however, he uploaded his individual contributions separately.


Meeting # 3

Date: 14 – Feb – 2017
Time: 7:30 pm (Face-to-Face)
Members Present: Grant Fricke, Sayadat Sajid, Colin Melick, & Ashley Lichtenberg Topics Discussed: Week 4 Progress Report



The main focus of today’s meeting was to discuss and work on the Week 4 Progress Report. We need to also complete the graphing and phase portion of the data analysis.


To do/Action Items:

Complete Week 4 Progress Report
Complete graphs and add phases to be analyzed.
Discuss future direction of progress reports and the ultimate goal of a final presentation



-Matlab will be used to create the necessary graphs
-MATLAB User Interface is the most effective and accurate analysis tool. -The Video has to be started this week.



This was our most unorganized progress report, partly due to the content being confusing and us having not the best data to analyze. Team communication must be improved in order to make the next progress report run smoother.

Meeting # 4

Date: 20 – Feb-2017
Time: 7:00 pm (Face to Face)
Members Present: Grant Fricke and Sayadat Sajid

Topics Discussed: Week 5 Progress report



To complete lab activities, including matrixes and scoring concepts. To complete looking backwards section of lab.


To do/Action Items:

Screening matrix Scoring Matrix Situation section Results and Analysis



We have took design elements from mos AEV concepts and incorporated them in our 渄inal. Our initial 渄inal design is still the intended design going forward.



It was hard to determine big decisions as this lab was all theoretical and had little to no actual testing and building.


Meeting # 5

Date: 21 ‐ Feb ‐ 2017
Time: 7:00 pm (Face‐to‐Face)
Members Present: Colin Melick, & Ashley Lichtenberg

Topics Discussed: Week 5 Progress Report



The main focus of today’s meeting was to look over team member’s work and to complete the lab progress report


To do/Action Items:

Complete Week 5 Progress Report



‐ To exclude durability from our success criteria



‐ Working as a group makes completing work more ef渄icient