Lab 3 – Creative Design Thinking


The group was introduced to different creative brainstorming techniques and all became more familiar with the components of the AEV kit. Moving away from given AEV design from previous weeks into the group’s own design. Given design considerations each team member individually created a design concept for the AEV. After the team was brought together to share their individual concepts, through creative thinking techniques, brainstormed a final design concept. The individual and brainstorming stages allowed for a creative environment in which group members could share their own opinions to eventually create the best possible AEV. Cost and weight, both important design considerations, were evaluated during this stage of the lab.



  1. Li Po battery will be placed on the L arm, under back wheel for stability.
  2. Base of AEV will be one solid piece.
  3. The AEV should be as compact and light as possible.
  4. A better understanding of different creative thinking techniques.

Here is the progress report for Lab 03: Lab 03 Progress Report