Lab 1 – Arduino Programming Basics


The group was introduced to the AEV lab manual and the programming platform, Arduino. All students were required to download an AEV Sketchbook, which was a zip folder that will contain/save all AEV lab software and future codes. This was completed by following instructor’s directions. Once compatible we proceeded with configuring a basic functions code,blue printed in the lab manual. The code used was to familiarize the group with basic motor functions such as accelerating, constant motor speed, partial motor power, reversing and braking.  Code was downloaded onto the AEV Arduino board and tested when connected to actual motors. Besides some technical difficulties with filing the code in proper folder to be successfully downloaded onto the Arduino board, the lab proceeded as expected.



  1. All codes and files must be saved in proper location for Arduino code and motherboard to work proper.
  2. Celerate(m,p1,p2,dt): Accelerates specified motor for at certain stop and start  percent efficiency for specified duration.
  3. motorSpeed(m,p): runs specified motor at constant speed.
  4. goFor(dt): runs initialized state for certain duration.
  5. Brake(m): cuts specified motors power.
  6. Reverse(m): reverses direction of fan.