Team Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes 1:

Location: MSE

Time/Date: January 17, 10:00am-10:55am

Members Present: Alex McCann, Daniel Zitello, Collin Whitt

Topics/Agenda: Assigned Roles, Preparation for Labs, Future Meetings

First Topic – Team Roles – Collin

To initiate the meeting Collin brought up the assignment of team roles and assignments in future dates. It was decided Collin will be responsible for the management of the team website. Daniel is responsible for design research and other research necessary for the benefit of the team’s AEV. Alex is assigned with the oversight of the progress reports and the coding process. Brandon will be assigned with the responsibilities of the human resources representative. These roles are subject to change but are set in stone until issues occur.

Second Topic – Assignments and Readings – Alex

The next order of business was the pre-work assignments and reading that needs to be done before class and labs. Alex wanted to refresh everyone that there were readings and assignments that were necessary for our team’s success. He also wanted to let everyone know about the future assignments due before next lab. These assignments include the 4 applications, website update, and designs for the AEV.

Third Topic – Meeting Times – Alex

Lastly, the issue of team meetings was brought up by Alex. In order to have a meeting before the labs every week the meeting time changed from 10:00-10:55 to 8:00-8:30. It was believed that this would allow the group could discuss things before the lab in order to better be prepared.


Meeting Minutes 2:

Location: MSE Room 225

Time/Date: January 17, 8:00am-8:30am

Members Present: Alex McCann, Daniel Zitello, Collin Whitt, Brandon Brown

Topics/Agenda: Progress Report, Past Labs, Assignments

First Topic – Progress Report – Alex

The first act of business is discussing when to start working on the first program report that is due in two weeks. The progress report will go over the labs that have been done in the past and discuss what issues we will have with the project, etc. Team F decided to start working on it periodically throughout next week, so we won’t be crammed with work from other projects and exams.

Second Topic – Past Unfinished Labs – Brandon

Because the progress report is dependent on finishing the labs, we will have to go back and finished unfinished labs, sensor check and future unfinished labs. Team F decided that due to time constraints the group would come back later to finish that labs, most likely next week of the first progress report due date.

Third Topic – Assignments – Daniel

In the coming weeks we have a progress report due on February 7th, the same date advanced R&D starts.  In the coming weeks team F has a progress report due on February 7th, the same date advanced R&D starts.  An exam is scheduled to be on February 4th so each group member should get most of the progress report finished before then.


Meeting Minutes 3: 

Location: MSE

Time/Date: January 31, 10:00am-10:55am

Members Present: Alex McCann, Daniel Zitello, Collin Whitt, Brandon BrownTopics/Agenda:  Sensor Test Laboratory Catch up & Lab Cancelation

First Topic – Sensor Test Laboratory – Collin

The Sensor Test Laboratory was used to help the group discover the uses for these sensors as well as how they work. Before the lab a code was written to be run to test and make sure the sensors run properly on the AEV. Before this could be done a separate code must be run to test to make sure the correct readings are being analyzed by the system so the AEV doesn’t over or under travel.

The first task of the group was to run this code. It was realized that the sensors were giving the team a reading that was opposite of what was expected. If left alone this would cause major issues with writing code for the track. To fix this issue, Collin flipped the propellers as well as the wheel dock to make the AEV go in the correct direction.

Second Topic – Lab Cancellation and Completion – Alex

Next, Team F needed to finish the lab that was canceled January 31. The lab was a concept and screening lab to discuss the design created for the AEV. All members filled the concept screening and concept scoring data tables. Discussions were made on each design and the compared to the reference design given in class.


Meeting Minutes 4:

Location: MSE

Time/Date: February 7, 10:00am-11:30am

Members Present: Alex McCann, Daniel Zitello, Collin Whitt, Brandon Brown

Topics/Agenda: Completion and Revision of the Progress Report

First Topic – Assignments – Brandon

Though the progress report was almost completed there were still a few things that needed to be addressed. These assignments were divided and given to the group members of Team F. They are below.

Collin – Appendix and Schedule

Daniel – Takeaways

Brandon – Situations

Alex – Analysis

Second Topic – Revising – Daniel

It was discussed that when revising members would make sure everything sounded right and was formatted neatly. Things like sentences written in the first person needed to be changed as well as sentence run-ons, etc. It was agreed that everyone would do at least one read-through of the progress report.

Third Topic – Missing Information – Collin

It was brought up that when executing the analysis lab, Collin did not plug in the sensors to the micro controller. This caused the distance of the AEV to not be recorded and the graphs need for the report were unable to be made. It was decided that Collin would go back and do another run of the code with the sensors plugged in. After he would then create the graphs for the report.


Meeting Minutes 5

Location: MSE

Time/Date: February 14, 8:30am-9:55am

Members Present: Alex McCann, Daniel Zitello, Collin Whitt, Brandon Brown

Topics/Agenda: Brake Testing

First Topic – Code – Collin

Before class Collin decided to run the sensor, test and upload the code he was assigned to do before the class, so Team F could have a possibility of finishing brake testing. The other team members were informed this information as soon as they came in.

Second Topic – Data Collection – Alex

After the first data collection run for brake testing Alex realized we would not have enough time to finish the testing. He expressed his concerns to the Team and it was decided that another meeting would be conducted the following day, 2/15/19, to finish the testing.

Third Topic – Consistency and Averaging – Alex

Alex notice that because all our data was very consistent we could average out the data and create graphs that could represent all the data and not just one run which was being done before. Because of the time constraint this was not able to be done but was put off until the next meeting

Assignments –

Collin – Finish Testing on the break testing

Brandon – Figure out ways we could place the propellers for the next test

Alex – Work on the deliverables for the brake testing

Daniel – Look at and inform the group on what assignments are coming up


Meeting Minutes 6:

Location: MSE

Time/Date: February 15, 10:00am-11:30am

Members Present: Alex McCann, Daniel Zitello, Collin Whitt, Brandon Brown

Topics/Agenda: Finish Brake Testing

First Topic – Brake Testing – Collin

Though the brake testing was supposed to be finished during this meeting it was done before by Collin. The only thing that was discussed is the preparation for the grant proposal and the next test. Group members from Team F were able look at the data and try to understand the relationships each run had.

Assignments –

No new assignments were given out

Meeting Minutes 7:

Location: MSE

Time/Date: February 21, 8:30am-9:55am

Members Present: Alex McCann, Daniel Zitello, Collin Whitt, Brandon Brown

Topics/Agenda: Propeller Configuration Testing

First Topic – Code – Collin

Collin did the pre-run work that needed to be done, sensor test and code test. He also uploaded the code he made for propeller testing and did a dry run to make sure the code ran smoothly. The other team members were informed this information as soon as they came in.

Second Topic – Data Collection – Alex, Daniel

It was noted, again, by Alex and Daniel we would not be able to run all the tests before the time was over and would have to be finished the next day. Also, we would try to understand and start analyzing the data the next meet.

Assignments –

Collin – Finish Testing on the propeller testing

Brandon – Start analyzing the data and make conclusions

Alex – Work on the deliverables for the propeller testing

Daniel – Start making the data presentable


Meeting Minutes 8:

Location: MSE

Time/Date: February 22, 10:00am-11:30am

Members Present: Alex McCann, Daniel Zitello, Collin Whitt, Brandon Brown

Topics/Agenda: Finish Propeller Testing, Next Step

First Topic – Finish Propeller Testing – Collin

Collin was able to finish the Propeller Testing before the meeting to commence. The same procedure was taken as last week, the team looked at the data to check its validity and future on the data were made.

Second Topic – Next Step – Alex, Brandon

Alex and Brandon brought up the upcoming assignments like the progress report, committee meeting, and oral presentation. Each member was given a role for the Committee meeting and the rest was left for discussion over the weekend via instant message. The roles can be seen below

Human Resources – Brandon

Research and Development – Daniel, Alex

Public Relations – Collin

Assignments –

No new assignments were given out

Meeting Minutes 9:

Location: MSE

Time/Date: February 28, 8:30am-9:55am

Members Present: Alex McCann, Daniel Zitello, Collin Whitt, Brandon Brown

Topics/Agenda:  Errors in data, upcoming Assignments

First Topic – Errors in data – Alex

As the meeting started Alex noticed so errors in the brake testing data. When looking at the average power usage of the servo it became obvious that there was no way it could be less than the coasting usage. When looking closer when noticed that the starting voltages of the runs were not similar mean the battery wasn’t fully charged when the runs were executed.

Second Topic – Upcoming Assignments – Daniel

Next Daniel brought up what upcoming assignments we needed to do. These things include: progress report 2, oral presentation slides, fixing the braking data, and the first performance test.

Assignments –

Collin – Fix the propeller testing

Brandon – Start the presentation slides

Alex – Create a progress report document

Daniel – Figure out what needed to be done for the performance test

Meeting Minutes 10:

Location: MSE

Time/Date: March 1, 10:00am-11:30am

Members Present: Alex McCann, Daniel Zitello, Collin Whitt


First Topic – Fixing the errors in the data – Collin

Before the meeting started Collin had already ran the test and completed the slides. The data graphs, and tables were presented to the group and suggestions were made about how to change them to make them presentable, these things are: Font size, color, and line size. This meeting was very short, but it was just to fix up the data for the progress report.

Assignments –

No new assignments were created

Meeting Minutes 11:

Location: MSE

Time/Date: March 7, 8:30am-9:55am

Members Present: Alex McCann, Daniel Zitello, Collin Whitt, Brandon Brown

Topics/Agenda:  Performance Test 1, Progress Report

First Topic – Performance Test 1 – Everyone

As soon as the meeting started Team F assembled to try and finish the performance test code so they can disassemble and reassemble a new prototype vehicle to test again. Alex and Collin split up so they could work on the code while Daniel and Brandon worked on the Presentation slides since the due date was moved back till after spring break. 4-5 test were run in order to perfect the code for the AEV and all the things that were planned to get done were finished.

Second Topic – Progress Report – Alex

At the end of the meeting the progress report that was due the Monday after spring brake was discussed. It was decided that we would text each other to figure out who was doing what and how the work load would be divided. The progress report is planned to be finished the day before the due date for last minute editing and formatting.

Assignments –

No new assignments were created

Meeting Minutes 12:

Location: MSE

Time/Date:  March 20, 8:00am-8:55am

Members Present: Alex McCann, Daniel Zitello, Collin Whitt, Brandon Brown


First Topic – Performance Test 1 – Everyone

The first performance test was run for the first base of our two designs. Three trials were ran and the data was collected. The team gathered to exam the data and then quickly tried to assemble the next design tested for performance test 1. Collin was tasked with doing so. Complications arose when it was realized the run was not completely connected. Before this could be done the meeting ended.

Assignments –

Collin – Reassemble the original design

Daniel – Discover what was wrong with the data

Alex – Write observations for the code

Brandon – Look at the next Progress Report


Meeting Minutes 13:

Location: MSE

Time/Date:  March 21, 8:30am-9:55am

Members Present: Alex McCann, Daniel Zitello, Collin Whitt, Brandon Brown


First Topic – Performance Test 1 – Everyone

The first base was tested again wants the meeting started. All the data was collected and checked to make sure the group did not make another mistake. The second design was assembled by Collin and the same code was ran by the other three members of the group. This process took up the rest of the meeting time. It was decided that the group would meet before the next lab to perfect the Performance Testing for the official trial run. Because the data showed that the original design was more efficient, it was chosen to do the official test.

Assignments –

Collin – Reassemble the original design again


Meeting Minutes 14:

Location: MSE

Time/Date:  March 25, 8:00am-8:55am

Members Present: Alex McCann, Daniel Zitello, Collin Whitt, Brandon Brown


First Topic – Performance Test 1 – Everyone

Official Performance testing 1 began. The test was a success for Group F, it ran perfectly, and Group F rejoiced. Observations were made by Alex during all test and all codes were saved by Collin. The PT1 portion of the progress report was started by Collin and Alex.

Second Topic – Performance Test 2 – Everyone

PT 2 was started by Brandon and Daniel. The code was almost finished but the meeting ended before it could be done. Because the Group felt that they were ahead it was decided to wait to write the rest of the code the next meeting they had.

Assignments –

No new assignments were given


Meeting Minutes 15:

Location: MSE

Time/Date:  March 25, 8:00am-8:55am

Members Present: Alex McCann, Daniel Zitello, Collin Whitt, Brandon Brown


First Topic – Performance Test 2 – Everyone

PT2 began with finishing the first code to be tested by the AEV. This ode was the absolute position code. After being run, many modifications had to be made to complete the scenario. This was done by Alex and Collin. Daniel and Brandon were working on organizing the data in a way that would be presentable.

Assignments –

Collin – Write Relative Code

Alex – Make observations

Daniel – Look at PT3

Brandon – Make data more presentable


Meeting Minutes 16:

Location: MSE

Time/Date:  March 28, 8:30am-9:55am

Members Present: Alex McCann, Daniel Zitello, Collin Whitt, Brandon Brown


First Topic – Performance Test 2 – Everyone

Because the second code was able to be written before the class, the group was able to run trails for the second part of PT2. The whole group contributed to the finalization of the trials and the data was collected. It was observed that the relative position code was way more unreliable that the absolute position. More trials were run by the group to optimize the absolute code in order to get ready for official testing.

Second Topic – Progress Report – Alex

Alex brought up the idea about officially starting the third progress report. Though we were not finished with the Performance Testing, it was concluded that we should. It was good to get a good start on it because of the CDR.

Assignments –

Collin – Appendix

Alex – Results and Introductions

Brandon – Format graphs and data

Daniel – Sort all the codes


Meeting Minutes 17:

Location: MSE

Time/Date:  April 8, 8:00am-8:55am

Members Present: Alex McCann, Daniel Zitello, Collin Whitt, Brandon Brown


First Topic – Performance Test 2 – Everyone

Official performance testing began for performance testing 2. Many difficulties were created when doing so. Even though Group F worked hard to optimize the data they still had issue with their AEV. Alex made observations to figure out what the issue is. Also, the code was reworked to be used for the third performance testing.

Second Topic – Progress Report – Collin

Collin mentioned that because our AEV did so bad we can discuss the issues we had when running the AEV in the progress report and the CDR. Also, not much was done for the report, so Collin brought up his concerns. It was decided the group would start working on it as soon as possible so they did not fall behind.

Assignments –

Collin – Appendix

Alex – Results

Daniel – Introduction

Brandon – Upcoming schedule


Meeting Minutes 18:

Location: MSE

Time/Date:  April 11, 8:00am-8:55am

Members Present: Alex McCann, Daniel Zitello, Collin Whitt, Brandon Brown


First Topic – Performance Test 3 – Everyone

In the group chat team F decided to start work on PT3 outside of the meetings. This meant the code was written up before the lab as well as any last-minute modifications to the AEV. Entering the meeting, team F was able to complete the trial runs for PT3 and optimize the code. This helped make the code more reliable and more energy efficient.

Second Topic – CDR – Daniel

Work had been done on the CDR before the meeting commenced but Daniel was concerned with the lack of work getting done. Because the due date was in almost a week, this was very worrisome for the whole group. It was decided that the CDR would be split up and many of the task would be sub-tasked.

Assignments –

Collin- Finish results, start on experimental methodology

Alex – Finish the progress report

Daniel – Start the Introduction and the executive summary

Brandon – Appendix