Group D

This is the homepage for Group D of engineering Team Gray. Group D strives to construct the most energy efficient as well as safe Advanced Energy Vehicle possible for the city of Columbus. In turn, Team D is striving to learn more about the Arduino, Matlab coding, Solidworks, and whatever else the team can do to construct the best AEV possible. The AEV stands for Advanced Energy Vehicle. To construct the the best AEV possible, Team D will be conducting research by completing the task to run a miniature AEV on an elevated track while suspended from it. The job of the AEV will be to run from one side of the track to the other while stopping at a break point in the track for several seconds as well as picking up a weight at the end of the track and bringing it back to the beginning. The advancement of AEV’s will be beneficial to society because it will maximize transportation as well as energy efficiency. Team D plans to bring this new technology to the public as well as showing the public the importance of AEV research and how the new technology will change the world for the better.

Within this homepage, you will find links to different research done on the AEV. These links are shown below: