Concept Scoring and Screening

In order to find the most efficient AEV design, each of the four team members was responsible for creating a unique AEV design. These designs were first placed in a concept screening matrix. In this matrix, each design was given a score on different criteria such as stability, aerodynamics, and durability. The screening matrix can be found at Concept Screening -25teqju.

Then, the designs were placed in a concept scoring matrix. Each design was scored based on the same criteria as the screening matrix, but the scoring system was more specific and each criterion was given a weighted percentage based on importance. The scoring matrix can be found at Concept Scoring-2nvwrmt.

The key elements of the screening and scoring matrices were stability, durability, and safety. These three characteristics were given the highest weight in the concept scoring matrix, and Designs B and C excelled in these areas. For Design B, the high stability and safety provided by the upward angled wings set it apart from the others. Similarly, the aerodynamic head presented in Design C was predicted to allow exceptional stability, safety, and efficiency by reducing air resistance.