Gratitude and Health

As a manager, it’s my job not only to make sure my staff get paid on time, but to ensure our cohesiveness as a team and motivation to keep being awesome employees. As a friend, it’s easy to think that those around me know how much I appreciate them…and maybe they do, but what’s the harm in saying so? In fact, studies show it’ll make me healthier.

Two images. On left, a box of multicolored generic thank you cards. On right, three OSU themed cards.

According to Robert Emmons, Ph.D., professor of psychology at UC Davis and author of Thanks! How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happierthose who practice grateful Continue reading Gratitude and Health

Getting To Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In

Two kids are arguing over an orange, so they diplomatically decide to split it in half. Both kids go home, satisfied that the deal was fair. One kid eats the orange and throws away the peel; the other uses the peel to bake a cake and throws away the orange. If they would have talked about the specifics of their needs, both kids could have essentially gone home with the whole orange.

Female child holding an orange over her right eye and smiling, juxtaposed next to the cover of the book Getting To Yes

That was just one of the many stories/examples you’ll find in Getting To Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In. As the book will attest, it’s not about winning the argument Continue reading Getting To Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In