Employee Relations – Different Ways to Say Thank You

HR can do our part to boost employee’s spirits and let them know we appreciate them. It is simple gestures that may be the best way to make someone’s day.

  • A daily thank you, whether it comes after an employee helps you, brings you something or just at the end of the day
  • Frequent thank you, make it personal and frequent
  • Handwritten notes, make it personal to the event, include strengths of the person receiving the note, list how that person has made OSU better
  • A note to the family, send a note to the employee’s family, we all know our families sacrifice at times so we are able to do our jobs successfully, thank the family for their support of the employee
  • E-Mail to the employee’s direct supervisor, provide positive feedback to supervisors and cc the employee
  • Little surprises, write notes, bringing in doughnuts or a fruit tray

These ideas help employees feel valued in the workplace.

SHRM Magazine, “2,4,6,8! How Do You Appreciate? 15Ways to thank employees” 11/2015

Is There a Culture of Fear in our Workplace?

If there is a culture of fear in our workplace, employees are not performing at their best. Here are some things HR may do to help to change the culture:

  • Build trust by being straightforward, admitting mistakes, keeping promises, letting go of grudges/grievances
  • Improve your listening skills and focus on what the employees are saying to you; maintain a neutral and open attitude; most importantly don’t judge
  • Treat employees with respect and acknowledge their worth and help them succeed…at the end of the day it is about relationships

Many studies show happy, engaged employees are more productive.

SHRM Magazine, “Scared Stiff Do you have a workplace culture of fear?” 12/2015/01/2016

New Overtime Changes

It is now 2016 and it is anticipated that during this year the overtime rules will change significantly. Please keep your eye out for email communication from either Elayne or OHR regarding what we will need to do to ensure compliance with the new rules.